
Smells are perceptions. If the smells are pleasant, we can call them scents. These perceptions can be acquired through olfactory receptors. Combining several specific scents creates the scent of a home. From an early age, Greta has associated the scent of a home with the scent of caramelised sugar and fruit juices which was permeated with the smell of freshly watered flowers in the conservatory, where fruit cakes were also served. Last but not least, the scent of home included the musty smell of old paper guide books from perhaps the whole world. These quietly laid in the library in the living room for decades as reminders of the journeys of young parents to states that no longer exist today.

克拉拉打开窗户,让清晨的微风吹进卧室。她每天早上都是这样起床,她很享受他们的房子,这已经不是新装修的房子了。今天是格雷塔的二十岁生日。彼得去取了一些花,他要去机场,克拉拉要赶紧烤一个格里塔非常喜欢的蓝莓派。厨房里弥漫着发面团与面包屑的味道,甜蜜的泡芙……从敞开的烤箱里传出。格丽塔正在从维也纳来的路上,她在那里的大学学习。大门已经解锁,这意味着两人已经从机场抵达。”基里安,快下来,你姐姐来了!” 克拉拉对着这个少年喊道,然后冲进门去。在她进入走廊之前,她意识到格雷塔绕过喷泉走了另一条路来给她母亲一个惊喜。行李箱在温室的人行道上摔了一跤,格丽塔说:”呃,终于到家了。”
Klára opened the window and let the morning breezy air into the bedroom. She gets up like this every morning and she enjoys their house, which is no longer newly renovated. Today is Greta’s twentieth birthday. Peter went to pick up some flowers and he’s heading to the airport, Klára has to quickly bake a blueberry pie which Greta likes so much. The kitchen smelled of leavened dough with crumbs and sweet puffs were … from the open oven. Greta is on her way from Vienna, where she’s studying at the university. The gate has been unlocked and that means the two had arrived from the airport. “Kilian, get down, your sister is here!” Klára shouts at the teenager and rushes through the door. Before she enters the hallway, she realises that Greta took the other way around the fountain to surprise her mother. The suitcases slam against the pavement in the conservatory and Greta says, “Uh, finally home.”


Petr looked at a gentleman whose appearance and behaviour resembled someone from Kludský or Berousek family. A well-built guy with a casually unbuttoned shirt and hairy chest was to become their partner for the reconstruction. This guy’s vocabulary could easily assure someone that the reconstruction would be a piece of cake, but Petr didn’t feel that way. The strange shivers going down his spine indicated that this reconstruction would have a story.


Pavel arrived on time for this meeting. His used Škoda Superb masterfully swept a few holes as he passed the broken road in Prague 5 and announced to passers-by that he had traveled across Europe to sunny Croatia a few times. All for that the crew got some tan and had the curled hair on their chests lighten under the Mediterranean sun. However, being on time to meet new clients is the essential thing, so the car jumps over a few more road craters and stops at the place where the meeting was arranged. The informal environment with the odour of the cigarette past and the sour beer presence will be a good test of the courage of the people who decided to build a house with him.
Kilian ran down and he stopped in the conservatory and watched the sun dancing on the surface of the fountain throwing dozens of golden pigs to the ceiling. Once again, the hot summer typical for Husinec was burning lawns and helping local gardeners to produce the sweetest strawberries far and wide. My sister will wait, smiled, swung over the ladder and jumped into ice-cold water. Mom just raised an eyebrow and started slicing the cake.

“你好,雅库布和洪萨。谢谢你们从利贝雷茨来找我们,很高兴能见到你们本人。按照承诺,我们正在发送计划和你们情况的简短摘要。”电子邮件中写道。但我不是雅库布,卢卡什抱怨道,并再次开始阅读信息中混乱的介绍。 当时是下午四点半,阳光透过灰色的窗帘照射进来,毫不留情地晒干了所有已经到达窗户和窗帘之间地狱的褪色苍蝇。空调在嗡嗡作响,工作室里充满了典型的咖啡味,混合着香烟和空调的味道。如果有人想做Mjölk的香水,身体会由这些成分组成。

“Hello, Jakub and Honza. Thank you for coming to us from Liberec, it was nice to meet you in person. As promised, we are sending the plans and a short summary of your situation.” was written in the e-mail. But I’m not Jakub, Lukáš complained and started reading the confused introduction of the message once again It was half-past four in the afternoon, the sun was shining through grey curtains and uncompromisingly drying all the faded flies that had reached the hell between the window and the curtain. The air conditioning was buzzing, and the studio was full of the typical smell of coffee, mixed with the smell of cigarettes and air conditioning. If someone ever wanted to make Mjölk perfume, the body would consist of these ingredients.


The villa with a fountain is a renovated weekend house from the era of the First Republic. When we first saw it, it didn’t look like it does today. It was burdened with deposits that had stuck to it over the years, and its First Republic spark was long gone. Today, the villa shines again. Robust pines stretch over its roof and silver flags of light bounce off the water’s surface into the conservatory. From a distance you can hear a train passing by and from here and there, you can smell the river which flows in the valley near the house.

Architects : Mjölk architekti
Area : 260 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :BoysPlayNice
Manufacturers : AZ EKOTHERM, Egoé, Truhlářství Alois Šuhaj, Vdesign
Construction Company : All Real
Design Team : Mjölk Architekti
Collaborators : Lukáš Holub
Garden Architects : Atelier Partero
Garden Architects : Atelier Partero
City : Prague
Country : Czech Republic