Warp Studio是由I IN设计的位于日本东京的简约办公室。该空间必须不同于通常人们在办公桌前工作的普通办公空间。在多个项目和一群人同时工作的情况下,其目的是使来自不同团队的人们在共享一个空间时感到自在。该办公室有一个开放式平面图,中间有一个大的凹陷沙发区。具有高输出图像的高分辨率屏幕在办公室的整个中心流动,并在整个室内散发出彩色的图像。
通过模糊图像与现实之间的界限,I IN旨在表达一种象征着未来的表达。墙壁,柱子和厨房柜台都用质地柔软的灰泥材料完成,为空间增添了柔和的气氛,同时强调了固体材料的大胆感。定制设计的书桌和雕塑风格的餐桌与墙面装饰形成令人愉悦的对比。与开放空间相反,会议室被柔和阴影的弯曲曲面墙所包围,具有安静的氛围。通过重建光线,形状,材料和人们在工作中的时间方式,整个办公室成为一个舒适的空间,同时展现了新的未来观。

Warp Studio is a minimalist office interior located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by I IN. The space had to differ from the usual office space, where commonly people work at their desks. In the context of several projects and groups of people working together at the same time, the aim was to make people from different teams feel comfortable sharing a single space. The office has an open floorplan with a large sunken sofa area that is positioned in the center. High-resolution screens with high-output images flow throughout the center of the office, emitting color-lit images throughout the entire interior.
By blurring the boundaries between the image and the reality, I IN aimed for an expression that symbolized the future. The walls, pillars and kitchen counters are finished with a plaster material with a soft texture, adding a gentle atmosphere to the space, while emphasizing the boldness of the solid materials. Custom-designed desks and sculpturally-shaped dining tables create a pleasant contrast with the wall finishes. In contrast to the open space, the meeting room, which is surrounded by a plastered curved wall with soft shading, has a quieter calmness. By rebuilding light, shape, materials and the way people spend their time at work, the whole office became a comfortable space, while presenting a new view of the future.

Design:I IN
Photography:Tomooki Kengaku