We Are Knitters是一个旨在使编织活动现代化,并使这项活动变得有趣和人人都能参与的品牌,虽然总部设在马德里,但We Are Knitters通过其网上商店在全球范围内开展业务,以满足欧美客户的需求。

We Are Knitters is a brand that aims to modernise knitting and make the activity fun and accessible for everyone.

虽然总部设在马德里,但We Are Knitters通过他们的网上商店在全球范围内开展业务,为欧洲和美洲的客户提供服务。位于巴黎Le Marais的这家店是他们在现实世界的第一个前哨,旨在为顾客创造更直接、更沉浸的体验。

Though based in Madrid, We Are Knitters has a global presence through their online store, which caters to customers across Europe and America. This store in Le Marais, Paris was their first real-world outpost, conceived as a way to create a more direct, immersive experience for customers.


The challenge here was to create a space that served all the functions of a traditional haberdashery while injecting a more contemporary shop display sensibility and circulation.
Instead of typical shelves stacked with products, folding perforated wall panels were used, using skeins and needles as protagonists. Loose tables and stools can be moved around and organised to function as product display surfaces or to host knitting workshops, depending on requirements.

我们选择了定向刨花板(OSB)作为主要材料,以配合We Are Knitters对有机材料和可持续发展的支持。OSB作为商店的共同背景,其自然的颜色与品牌的回收纸板包装相得益彰,成为品牌的自然延伸,但规模不同。

Oriented strand boards (OSB) were chosen as the primary material, in line with We Are Knitters’ embrace of organic materials and sustainability. The OSB acts as a common backdrop for the store, its natural colour tying in with the brand’s recycled cardboard packaging and becoming a natural extension of the brand, at a different scale.

为了进一步实现可持续发展的承诺,Pop-up商店的设计也是游牧式的,而不是一次性的浪费。构成商店的坚固元素被设计成扁平包装,使它们可以在其他地方轻松地拆卸和重新组装。甚至连运输所有物品的箱子也是基于这种游牧零售的理念而设计的。We Are Knitters的第一个Pop-up是在巴黎,但也有计划在纽约、伦敦、柏林和马德里设立店面,每次几个月。

Taking the commitment to sustainability further, the pop-up store was also designed to be nomadic rather than a wasteful, one-off exercise. The sturdy elements that make up the store were designed to be flat-packed, allowing them to be dismantled and reassembled with ease in other locations. Even the boxes in which everything is transported were created with this idea of nomadic retail in mind. We Are Knitters’ first pop-up was in Paris, but there are plans to set up shop for a few months at a time in New York, London, Berlin, and Madrid.


In between shops, elements of the nomadic store have found a home in the brand’s Madrid headquarters, where the display tables are being used in the meeting room and the display panels greet everyone entering the lobby.

建筑师:Mazumdar Bravo
面积:47 m²
首席建筑师:Udayan Mazumdar, Blanca Bravo Reyes
客户:We Are Knitters
Architects: Mazumdar Bravo
Area: 47 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Nestore
Manufacturers: AutoCAD
Lead Architects: Udayan Mazumdar, Blanca Bravo Reyes
Client:We Are Knitters