
In the night, this moving machine looks like huge, urban installation of pop art which shows interesting car parade of moving and flying…….

它突出的船头是一个用铝漆包裹的船形塔,聚碳酸酯的窗户显示出汽车在钢制升降机上的上升和下降。我们在这个汽车库的主体上设计了聚碳酸酯玻璃的 “展示窗”,让光亮进入室内和室外。

It is stand out at the prow of a shiplike tower clad in painted aluminum, a polycarbonate window reveals cars ascending and descending on steel lifts. We designed “show windows” of polycarbonate glass on the body of this car-storage, to give the life of light into inside and outside.

这个高大的停车场建筑是 “银舟 “的新附属建筑,”银舟 “是20年前建造的综合建筑,位于首尔著名的青年学生街 “弘益大学街 “的中心。

This tall car-park bldg. is new annex of “Silver boat” which is complex bldg. constructed about 20 years ago and this site is placed in the center of famous street of young students named “street of hongik university” in Seoul.

“银色的船 “现有的主体建筑由三面弧形墙组成,这三面墙象征着汉江上的帆船,因为这里曾是汉江上的渡船所在地。

“Silver boat” the existing main building is composed with three curved walls which are symbol of sailing boat on the Han-river, because the site was the place of a ferry in Han-river for a long time.

我们把这个停车场建筑作为 “另一艘船 “的白色建筑,以便与主建筑 “银船 “相协调。”银船”,所以它一直是动态的凹形曲线塔。

We formed this car-park bldg. as “another boat” of white to be harmonized with main bldg. “Silver Boat”, so it has been the dynamic concave-curved tower.

建筑师: IROJE KHM Architects
面积 : 1833 m²
摄影:Sergio Pirrone
负责建筑师:HyoMan Kim
设计团队: SeungHee Song, JiYeon Kim
Architects: IROJE KHM Architects
Area: 1833 m²
Photographs: Sergio Pirrone
Architect In Charge:HyoMan Kim
Design Team:SeungHee Song, JiYeon Kim
Use:Car-park Building
Country:South Korea