


Transformation of a traditional alpine workshop. The project consists of the renovation and partial transformation of a workshop in an alpine region. The owner, a sculptor and artist, wanted to rethink the inner organization and the light situation of the traditional building.


The large hall of the existing structure is separated by two parallel walls, which form three areas: a shared storage space in the center and two workspaces on each side. Every room has access to a second level by way of a narrow staircase. The shelves, which partly separate the rooms, are made of the old boards of the former ground floor.


在保留建筑的主要特征的同时,南面的三个窗户和西面的一个门被两个大的开口取代,即所谓的 “采光器”。这些元素穿过门廊,让自然光照射到房间里。捕光器在下部不太突出,但在其上部延伸到屋顶,并收集日光。安装在屋顶层的鳍状物可以追溯到旧屋顶和它的构造部分,并同时提供阴影。


While preserving the main characteristics of the building, three existing windows on the south side and one door on the west side of the facade were replaced by two large openings, so-called “light-catchers”. These elements cut through the porch and allow natural light to flood the room. Being less prominent in the lower part, the light-catchers extend through the roof in their upper section and collect daylight. The fins installed in the roof layer trace the old roof and its constructive parts, and provide shadow at the same time.

Architects: Messner Architects
Area : 110 m²
Year : 2014
Photographs :Meraner Hauser