Xylem是Tippet Rise艺术中心的聚会亭,由Francis Kéré设计,为牧场的游客提供一个安静的保护性庇护所。Xylem的名字是为了唤起一棵树的生命结构的重要内部层次,Xylem是一个地方,游客可以聚集在这里交谈,沉思Grove溪岸边的白杨树和木棉树的景色,或在孤独中坐下来冥想。

Xylem, the gathering pavilion for the Tippet Rise Art Center, has been designed by Francis Kéré as a quiet, protective shelter for the visitors of the ranch. Named to evoke the vital internal layers of a tree’s living structure, Xylem is a place where visitors may gather to converse, contemplate the views of the aspen and cottonwood trees near the bank of Grove Creek, or sit and meditate in solitude.

亭子位于艺术中心的主要设施和远足路径的起点之间的一个略微下沉的地貌上,在白杨树环绕的空地上升起,面对一条小溪。亭子完全由木头雕刻而成,象征性地邀请游客在Tippet Rise艺术中心与大自然进行最广泛的接触,进入大自然中最秘密的部分–树木的中心。整个展馆所使用的可持续发展的松木,在当地采用了自然修剪工艺,使森林免受寄生虫的侵害,在原始的外观上采用了松木。

Located in a slightly sunken landform between the main facilities of the Art Center and the beginning of the hiking tracks, the pavilion rises in a clearing surrounded by aspen trees, facing a small creek. Entirely carved in wooden logs, the pavilion symbolically invites the visitor, who in the Tippet Rise Art Center is confronted with nature at its widest scale, to access the most secret part of nature, the heart of the trees. The sustainable pine wood used for the entire pavilion, locally sourced from a natural pruning process that saves forests from parasitic bugs, is employed in its raw appearance.

天幕的原木由风化钢的模块化六边形结构以圆形捆绑方式组装而成,躺在七根钢柱之上。天幕的上表面经过蜿蜒的雕刻,以创造出一个圆润的地形,与周围的山丘融为一体。屋顶既巨大又轻盈,其灵感来自于 “托古纳”,这是每个多贡村落中传统的最神圣的空间,是一个木质和稻草的庇护所,其设计目的是为了遮挡阳光,同时又能让下面的阴凉空间通风。

The logs of the canopy are assembled in circular bundles bore by a modular hexagonal structure in weathering steel, lying on top of seven steel columns. The upper surface of the canopy is carved sinuously in order to create a rounded topography that blends in the surrounding hills. At the same time massive and light, the roof is inspired by the “toguna”, the traditional most sacred space in every Dogon village, a wooden and straw shelter designed in order to protect from the sun but at the same time to allow the ventilation of the shaded space underneath.


In the pavilion, sunbeams penetrate between the vertical logs, creating a play of light and shadow that softly hits the underlying organically shaped seating, equally carved in wood. and the polished concrete circular platform. The spatial complexity of the seating elements emphasizes the stunning views of the surrounding landscape through strategic positions and encourages different appropria- tions by the visitor, who is invited to inhabit them at his wish. Through exploration, the user can, in fact, discover the different spatial configurations of the pavilion, gather in small groups or have a chat between friends, lie and watch the romantic views with his partner, or sit and meditate in solitude on his visit of the Art Center.

Xylem欢迎游客和围绕Tippet Rise艺术中心的整个社区,在蒙大拿州和布基纳法索之间建立起独特的联系,因为它与弗朗西斯-凯雷在布基纳法索的家乡甘多的Naaba Belem Goumma中学同步建设,该中学是献给弗朗西斯-凯雷的父亲的,它将向布尔基纳巴大草原整个邻近地区的孩子开放。

Xylem welcomes visitors and the whole community that revolves around the Tippet Rise Art Center to a unique linkage between Montana and Burkina Faso as it is built in parallel with the Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School in Gando, Francis Kéré’s home village in Burkina Faso, dedicated to Francis Kéré’s father, which will be open to the children of the entire neighboring area in the Burkinabè savannah.

建筑师:Kéré Architecture
摄影作品:Iwan Baan
国家: 美国
Architects: Kéré Architecture
Area: 2100 ft²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Iwan Baan
Country: United States