
XYTS is a fashion select shop, showcasing over 100 brands in Gangnam, Seoul.

我们对XYTS的设计始于 “成型茧 “的空间概念。一个简单的几何形体经过一个成型框架,产生了意想不到的效果。我们将原形、成型框架和结果都视为空间对象,并在其中展示产品。

Our design for XYTS began with a spatial concept of “molding cocoon”. A simple geometric form undergoes through a molding frame, resulting an unexpected result. We treated each of the original form, the molding frame and the result as spatial objets that products are displayed within.

原形变成了休息室的纪念碑背景,而成型框架和从框架中出来的东西共用一个标志性的颜色–橙色,来说明 “成型茧 “的过程。最后,成果物被开发成一个类似于茧的亭子结构,迎接顾客进入商店,并在里面展示销售商品。

The original form became a monumental background of a lounge, and the molding frame and what came out from the frame shares an iconic color, orange, to illustrate the process of “molding cocoon”. Lastly, the outcome objet are developed into a pavilion structure resembling a cocoon, which greets customers into the store with sales items displayed within.

在这个项目中,我们与首尔的亚克力艺术家和设计师Rahee Yoon合作,制作了半透明的亚克力家具,以体现商店的概念颜色。

During the project, we collaborated with a Seoul-based acrylic artist and designer, Rahee Yoon, in fabricating translucent acrylic furniture that embodies the concept color of the store.

客户:Shinsegae International
Architects: WGNB
Year: 2020
Client:Shinsegae International
Country:South Korea