不断变化的住宅景观 – 延辉洞是首尔具有代表性的高级住宅区。目前,随着新村和弘大商业区的扩张,平静的住宅区中形成了热闹的商业空间,改变了现有的氛围。 Y2大楼位于主干道旁的山丘上形成的住宅区。 该地区是一个封闭的住宅区,周围有高墙和沿坡的墙。然而,场地是斜坡的一角这一事实是一个优势,因为从小巷的入口处就可以认出该建筑。 我们决定,如果建筑积极地融入可以作为一个好的面孔的元素,它就可以有魅力和注意力,吸引小巷里的人们。

The changing residential landscape – Yeonhui-dong is a representative high-class residential area in Seoul. Currently, with the expansion of the commercial areas of Sinchon and Hongdae, lively commercial spaces are formed in calm residential areas, changing the existing atmosphere. The Y2 building is in a residential area formed on a hill off the main road. The area is an enclosed residential area surrounded by high walls and walls along the slope. However, the fact that the site is a corner of a slope was an advantage because the building could be recognized from the entrance of the alley. It was decided that if the building is actively incorporated with elements that can serve as a good face, it can have charm and attention that will attract people from the alleys.

吸引人的开放性建筑–Y2大楼有地下一层和地上两层,它的设计元素强调了建筑正面的开放性。 一楼的楼梯和前院,二楼的露台,以及屋顶的户外空间被放置在建筑前面,使其具有生动的气氛。 在地下一层,也就是入口处,放置了一个院子,以吸引光线进入深层空间。 鲜艳的砖块给建筑带来了明亮的外观,增加了人们的认识和注意力。米色的砖块创造了一个明亮而温暖的空间,从角落里的道路直接通向外面的楼梯进一步强调了其开放性。 主楼梯通向小巷,自然地引导人流进入建筑。I

An open building that attracts people – The Y2 building, which has a basement floor and two floors above ground, has a design element that emphasizes openness to the front of the building. Stairs and a front yard on the first floor, a terrace on the second floor, and an outdoor space on the roof were placed in front of the building to give it a lively atmosphere. On the basement floor, which is the entrance, a courtyard was placed to attract light into the deep space. Brightly colored bricks give the building a bright look, increasing awareness and attention. Beige bricks create a bright and warm space, and a staircase that opens directly from the road in the corner that opens to the outside further emphasizes its openness. The main staircase leads to the alley and naturally leads the flow into the building. I

在楼梯的中央,受农村村庄入口处的亭子树的启发,种植了一棵本地的枫树,使之成为重点色彩。呼吸的路径–由于坡地的水平差异,地下室层可以很容易地从前面的道路进入。 建筑后部的庭院面积良好,为地下室提供了足够的光线,并起到自然通风的作用。 规划在建筑中心的外部楼梯不仅保证了最小长度的通道,而且将光线、通风和活泼的人暴露在外面,使整个建筑的各种表现形式成为可能。

n the center of the stairs, inspired by the pavilion tree at the entrance of a rural village, a native maple tree was planted to give the accent color. The path that breathes – The basement floor can be entered easily from the front road due to the level difference of the sloping site. The good size of the courtyard at the back of the building gives enough light to the basement and serves as natural ventilation. The external staircase planned in the center of the building not only secures the minimum-length passage, but also exposes light, ventilation, and lively people to the outside, making it possible to create various expressions of the entire building.

创造多彩表情的窗户–Y2建筑的窗户设计使建筑具有立体感和表情。 可以看到延辉洞住宅区全景的正面部分,用落地窗完全打开。因为面对狭窄的小巷而与邻居距离较近的侧窗则采用了各种窗型来缓解闷热感。 一楼的两个半月形窗户和二楼的一个圆形窗户给空间带来了变化,使建筑即使从侧面的小巷看也很有趣。

Windows that create a colorful expression – The window design of the Y2 building gives the building a three-dimensional sense and expression. The front part, which has a panoramic view of the Yeonhui-dong residential area, is opened fully with floor-to-ceiling windows. The side windows that are close to the neighbors because it faces a narrow alley have a variety of window shapes to relieve the stuffiness. Two half-moon windows on the first floor and a circular window on the second floor gave a change to the space and made the building look interesting even from the side alley.

Architects: DAAL
Area : 548 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :JinBo Choi
Manufacturers : DAELIM BATH, Namsun, Woosung
Construction : Doulim Construction
Mechanical Engineer : Sunwoo Engineering
Architect : YeJin Na, GooWon Jung
City : Seodaemun-gu
Country : South Korea