这个项目的任务是在一个屋檐下组织几个业务单位的工作,并鼓励它们之间的合作。结果,现在在180平方米的面积上,建筑工作室、可容纳80人的演讲厅、设计画廊和现代联合办公空间舒适地共存。尽管它具有多功能性,但这个创意空间作为一个单一的 “有机体 “完美地运作着,并且随时都可以轻松地从一个单元转换到另一个单元。

The task of this project was to organize the work of several business units under one roof and encourage collaboration between them. As a result, now on the area of 180 square meters comfortably coexist an architectural studio, a lecture hall for 80 seats, a design gallery and modern co-working space. Despite its multifunctionality, this creative space works perfectly as a single “organism” and anytime can be easily transformed from one unit to another.

YA VSESVIT空间是为所有具有设计意识的群体而创建的:建筑师、时装设计师、视觉设计师、造型师、摄影师和文案人员。任何猎取灵感并与他人分享自己的灵感的人都可以在新的创意空间里找到。

The YA VSESVIT space is created for all kind of design minded communities: architects, fashion designers, visualizers, stylists, photographers and copywriters. Anyone who hunts for inspiration and shares his own with others can be located in new creative space.

从风格上看,这个空间是基于质地的对比和材料的意外组合,由单色调色板联合而成。正如宇宙结合了不同的星系一样,YA VSESVIT的内部也由许多极地元素组成。墙上的正宗粘土灰泥,以当地400年的工艺技术重现,紧挨着未来主义的不锈钢冷涂层和沙发上的银箔织物。准确对称的黑砖与自然不完美的粗糙石头相邻。

Stylistically, the space is based on the contrast of textures and unexpected combination of materials united by a monochromatic palette. Just as the Universe combines different star systems, the interior of YA VSESVIT also consists of many polar elements. An authentic clay plaster on the wall, recreated with the local craft technique aged 400 years, is right next to a futuristic cold coating of stainless steel and silver foil-fabric on poufs. An accurate symmetry of black bricks is settled next to a natural imperfection of the rough stone.

这个项目的最大目的是保持诚实,创造出能在未来继续存在的设计,而不是像所有的趋势那样,只在一两年内存在。灵感来自设计师的文化根基和乌克兰的历史背景。作者想重现人类和自然之间的关系,当时他们能够相互和谐地生活。当你从过去的东西,通过简化、重新思考和尝试形状、质地或材料,使其适用于未来 – 这就是设计的灵感,也是我们想与世界分享的东西。

The biggest aim in this project was to stay honest, to create design that remains to live in future and not only 1 or 2 years, as all trends do. The inspiration came from cultural roots of designer and historical background of Ukraine. The author wanted to recreate relations between humans and nature, when they were able to live in harmony with each other. When you take something from past and make it work for future, by simplifying, rethinking and experimenting with shape, texture or materials – this is what inspires in design and what we would like to share with world.


In the centre of a cave-style meeting room there is a massive table made from a single piece of sandstone, the geometry and natural form of which were preserved untouched. The coarseness of the stone is softened by the delicate tectonics of the brickwork behind – one of the most complex element of the interior. The working zone is divided into sections using glass partitions that allows free flow of the sunlight.

在入口处,欢迎客人的是两个巨大的120-150岁的木臼,名为 “佛塔”,是在古董市场上购买的。在它们旁边,有一套现代的地板花瓶TREMBITA,由烧焦的木头制成,重复了同名的乌克兰民间乐器的形状。

At the entrance, guests are welcome with two gigantic 120-150 years old wooden mortars named “stupa”, acquired in the vintage market. Next to them, there is a set of modern floor vases TREMBITA, made of burnt wood, repeating the shape of a folk Ukrainian musical instrument with the same name.


The lecture hall is equipped with a large screen, although if necessary the projector can broadcast images of an architectural or interior project straight to the floor in the smallest details. Set of 100 sculptured chairs where created especially for this project from eco-composition: straw, linen, cotton, biopolymer. They can easily assemble into a compact group like puzzles, opening up space for other functions. The kitchen and 2 bathrooms keep the same minimalist interior style and cleanliness of lines. All functions of the space, such as storage rooms, cabinets for equipment and working materials, refrigerator, sink, sideboard, are built-in and hidden from the eyes of the visitors.

与普通的办公空间不同,所有的文件夹和文件都存放在桌子下面,在YA VSESVIT联合办公区,您将看到低矮的金属架,悬挂在一个大的共享桌子上。除了主要功能外,架子还具有装饰作用。

Unlike in regular office space, where all the folders and papers are stored under the table, in YA VSESVIT co-working zone you will see low metal shelves, suspended over a large shared table. In addition to the main function, the shelves also perform a decorative one.

Architects: Yakusha Design & Architecture Studio
Area: 180 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Mikey Estrada
Manufacturers: Baxter, Antique décor, Artisan custom pieces, FAINA Collection
Lead Architects: Victoriya Yakusha
Country: UKRAINE