得益于 Cassion Castle Architects 和 Pearson Lloyd 的远见卓识,位于伦敦东部的一幢破旧的维多利亚式建筑现在变成了一个充满活力的现代工作室,为 Pearson Lloyd 在哈克尼的中心地带为其行业领先的设计办公室提供了一个新的永久住所。新辦公室位於約克頓街,橫跨五座前馬廄改作工場的建築物,與製造業有著長久的聯繫。约克顿工场的修复工作是一项保护行动,为该地区的设计遗产注入了新的活力,并将培生劳埃德与可追溯至一个多世纪前的制造传统联系在一起。约克顿工场分两层两翼,一栋是历史悠久的工场建筑,另一栋则是新近建成的仓库结构,工场拥有多种空间,包括多功能工作室、制作和原型车间、会议室,以及专门用于展览和活动的区域。

Thanks to the vision of Cassion Castle Architects and Pearson Lloyd, what was a dilapidated Victorian block in East London is now a dynamic modern studio, giving Pearson Lloyd a new permanent home in the heart of Hackney for their industry-leading design office. Spanning five former stables-turned-workshops on Yorkton Street, the new office is set in an area with a long association with making and manufacture. The restoration of Yorkton Workshops is an act of preservation, reinvigorating the area’s design heritage, and linking Pearson Lloyd to a lineage of making that dates back over a century. Spread over two storeys and two wings – a historic workshop building and a more recent warehouse structure – Yorkton Workshops encompasses a variety of spaces, including versatile studios, workshops for making and prototyping, meeting rooms, and a dedicated area for exhibitions and events.

当皮尔森-劳埃德在2017年收购这栋建筑时,它是一个烂摊子,新旧交替的杂乱碰撞,几十年来的叠加改建和改编。在上世纪90年代的某个时候,部分维多利亚式建筑被现代实用结构所取代,很可能是为了应对一场火灾,留下了6,000平方英尺的可用空间–但并不令人鼓舞。作为一个曾经的工场,几个世纪以来,这里曾容纳了各种各样的制造商和手工艺人,Luke Pearson和Tom Lloyd对这里的传统很认同,并希望能继续保留下来,但它并不适合一个21世纪的多面手设计工作室的需求。

When Pearson Lloyd acquired the building in 2017, it was a mess; a haphazard collision of old and new, with a mishmash of overlaid alterations and adaptations that had been made over the decades. Part of the Victorian building had been replaced with a modern utilitarian structure sometime in the 1990s, likely in response to a fire, leaving 6,000 sq ft of usable – but uninspiring – space. As a former workshop block that had housed an assortment of makers and craftspeople for centuries, it had a heritage that Luke Pearson and Tom Lloyd identified with and wished to continue, but it was ill-suited to the needs of a multi-faceted 21st-century design studio operating internationally.

最简单的方法是把它拆掉,从头开始,但Cassion Castle Architects和Pearson Lloyd一致认为,修复和改造该建筑–虽然更具挑战性,建筑结构也更复杂–将是一个更可持续的低碳方法,因为它将保留现有结构中的碳含量。平均而言,建筑结构三分之一到一半的碳排放集中在施工阶段,因此建筑的再利用比新建建筑的影响要小得多。

The easiest approach would have been to knock it down and start from scratch, but Cassion Castle Architects and Pearson Lloyd agreed that restoring and retrofitting the building – although much more challenging and architecturally complex – would be a far more sustainable, low-carbon approach, as it would preserve the embodied carbon in the existing structure. On average, between a third and a half of a structure’s carbon emissions are concentrated in the construction phase, so the reuse of a building has significantly less impact than a new-build.

这种将环境影响降至最低的决心从一开始就影响了设计方法;Pearson Lloyd和Cassion Castle Architects努力将所需的拆迁、潜在的垃圾填埋和新材料的引入降至最低。他们确保尽可能地保留或重复使用现有材料,重新利用拆除阶段的砖块、钢结构和木托梁,并在必要时从回收场采购材料作为补充。例如,地板是从位于Mile End的维多利亚时代的工厂工地上回收的。这种改造方法不仅是环保的正确选择,而且还创造了更丰富的内部装饰的机会。

This determination to minimise environmental impact influenced the design approach from the outset; Pearson Lloyd and Cassion Castle Architects worked hard to minimise the demolition needed, the potential landfill generated and the new materials introduced. They ensured existing materials were retained or reused wherever possible, repurposing bricks, steelwork, and timber joists from the demolition phase, supplemented by materials sourced from reclamation yards wherever necessary. The floorboards, for example, were reclaimed from a Victorian factory site in Mile End. The retrofit approach was not only environmentally the right choice, but it also created the opportunity for a much richer interior.


The interplay of existing fabric and new material leads to hundreds of bespoke details for the design team to tackle and celebrate. Original brickwork seamlessly intersects with contemporary concrete and smooth sheets of birch plywood – a balanced and harmonious meeting of old and new at macro and micro scales.

项目中使用的施工技术和主要材料是什么?”我们的做法是尽量把所有的东西都剥离到一些基本特征上,并尽可能多地包含现有的特征。除了保留能量的体现,这意味着这个项目的内部将更加丰富,因为这个项目是翻新而不是新建。建筑的历史将永远存在。” – Cassion Castle,Cassion Castle建筑事务所创始人 “从材料的角度来看,我们热衷于以类似于我们的家具和产品设计的方式来处理这个建筑。

What were the construction techniques and the principal materials used in the project? “Our approach was to try to strip it all back to a few essential characteristics and to include as many existing features as possible. Aside from preserving the embodied energy, this means the interiors of this scheme will be much richer because the project is a refurbishment rather than a new build. The history of the building will be ever-present.” – Cassion Castle, founder, Cassion Castle Architects “From a material perspective, we were keen to approach the building in an analogous way to our furniture and product design.

我们希望材料的质量和直接性与它们的功能内在地结合在一起。关键的选择包括木纤维吸音天花板、钢制楼梯、车间地板(由与舞台地板和运输车相同的材料制成)以及回收和再加工的黑松地板。” – 卢克-皮尔森,皮尔森-劳埃德联合创始人 在过去的20多年里,工作室一直致力于 “让设计发挥作用”–识别和建造实用、美观和高效的产品、环境和系统,以应对当今的挑战,并增强我们对世界的体验。约克顿工作室重申了这一承诺。

We wanted the materials to have a quality and directness that was intrinsically integrated into their function. Key choices include the wood-fiber acoustic ceiling, the steel stair, the workshop floor (made from the same material as stage floors and haulage trucks) and the reclaimed and refinished pitch pine floor.” – Luke Pearson, co-founder, Pearson Lloyd Over the last 20+ years, the studio has dedicated itself to ‘Making Design Work’ – identifying and building functional, beautiful and efficient products, environments and systems that respond to the challenges of the day and enhance our experience of the world. Yorkton Workshops reaffirms this commitment.

虽然这个空间是为满足现代设计工作室的需求而量身定做的,但Luke和Tom确保了它不被锁定在这个角色上。对他们来说,修复Yorkton Workshops不仅是对Pearson Lloyd未来设计实践的投资,也是对整个伦敦创意结构的投资。约克顿工作室可以有效地满足未来的需求:它可以容纳单个或多个租户,内部空间可以根据需求的变化而修改为开放式或封闭式,而且它可以随时适应多种工作场所类型–皮尔森-劳埃德公司将其打造成Covid-secure,就证明了这一点。

Although the space is tailor-made to meet the needs of a modern-day design studio, Luke and Tom have ensured it is not locked into that role. For them, the restoration of Yorkton Workshops represents not only an investment in Pearson Lloyd’s future as a design practice but in the creative fabric of London as a whole. Yorkton Workshops is effectively future-proof: it can accommodate single or multiple tenants, internal spaces can be modified to open- plan or enclosed as needs change, and it is readily adaptable to manifold workplace typologies – as the ease with which Pearson Lloyd has made it Covid-secure demonstrates.

建筑师:Pearson Lloyd
面积: 550 m²
摄影:Taran Wilkhu
设计与工作场所策略:Pearson Lloyd
主承包商:Cassion Castle Architects
Architects: Pearson Lloyd
Area: 550 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Taran Wilkhu
Design And Workplace Strategy:Pearson Lloyd
Main Contractor:Cassion Castle Architects
Structural Engineer:Structure Workshop
Environmental Consultant:Energy Test
Approved Building Inspector:MLM
Planning Consultant:CMA Planning
Country:United Kingdom