“Youngstorget 3 “被设计成一个社会舞台,作为一个具有巨大可能性的聚会场所,为奥斯陆提供新的活动和城市生活的空间。该项目涉及循环经济、社会可持续发展和未来工作场所的各种主题,所有这些都是为了创造一个持久的房子,与周围的环境–文化、历史和美学–进行良好的互动。该建筑通过了BREEAM认证,高度节能,并采用了各种被动式系统进行供暖和制冷。

“Youngstorget 3” is designed as a social arena, as a meeting place of a magnitude of possibilities, providing Oslo with spaces for new activities and urban life. The project addresses various topics within a circular economy, social sustainability, and the future of the workplace, all with the ambition of creating a long-lasting house that interacts well with its surroundings – culturally, historically, and aesthetically. The building is BREEAM-certified, highly energy-efficient, and uses various passive systems for heating and cooling.

Youngstorget(英语为Young’s square)是奥斯陆最重要的公共空间之一。从政治和国家活动到文化和夜生活,它是一个广泛活动的社会空间。这种能量是表现性建筑的非凡起点,而周围建筑和机构的历史和象征性重量则要求平衡和敏感。

Youngstorget (in English, Young’s square) is one of the most important public spaces in Oslo. It is a social space for a broad range of activities, from political and national events to culture and nightlife. This energy is a remarkable starting point for expressive architecture, while the historical and symbolic weight of the surrounding architecture and institutions demand balance and sensitivity.

我们的设计试图将这两个世界统一起来;立面中抽象和 “无时间 “的古典建筑元素与高度灵活和原始的内部空间相遇。外立面的设计原则借鉴了邻近19世纪末的砖房,有重复的孔洞和衔接的底座和冠部。精确的砖块搭配微妙的绿色、黄色和灰色调,使得简约纯粹的形式成为可能,有了自己的个性和身份。构成的通用性使建筑的当前用途和用户能够始终定义其功能及其与城市的关系。

Our design seeks to unite these two worlds; abstract and “time-less” classical architectural elements in the façade meet a highly flexible and raw interior. The façade borrows its principles from its neighboring late 1800s brick houses, with repetitive apertures and articulated base and crown. Precise brickwork with subtle green, yellow, and grey tones makes possible a minimal and pure form, with its own personality and identity. While the generality of the composition allows the current use and users of the building to always define its function and its relation to the city.


The interiors are defined by circular economy design principles. The floors are organized around a terraced and naturally lit atrium, which provides circulation between the floors. The atrium facades can be kept open or closed according to the adjacent activity. Exposed concrete construction and visible technical infrastructure provide a pre-planned system for various plan configurations and interior concepts. The purpose is to reduce waste and consumption of resources from the ever-changing tenants over the lifespan of the building while providing freedom for individual adaption.


The current office tenants opted for an open solution, to ease the movement between floors, zones, and rooms and increase the social aspects of their work culture. The first-floor tenants have created a hybrid space for coworking, events, food, drinks, and parties, connecting with the urban life of Oslo. In some years, new tenants will inhabit the building, re-defining its function and purpose. In this way, the design is evolving over time, as it hopefully can provide Oslo with many new and relevant functions and activities, while simultaneously limiting resource waste and environmental impact.

建筑师:Hille Melbye Arkitekter
占地面积:7000 m²
摄影:Niels Nygaard, Joachim Midjo Andersen
制造商:Egernsund Bricks
首席建筑师:Joachim Midjo Andersen, Berit Markeseth
主承包商:JM Entreprenør
砖砌:Murmester Rolf Holm
业主:Olav Thon Gruppen
Architects: Hille Melbye Arkitekter
Area: 7000 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Niels Nygaard, Joachim Midjo Andersen
Manufacturers: Egernsund Bricks
Lead Architects: Joachim Midjo Andersen, Berit Markeseth
Main Contractor:JM Entreprenør
Structural Engineer:Consisu
Energy Consultant:Itech
Brickwork:Murmester Rolf Holm
Owner:Olav Thon Gruppen