
The 1.8M Width House identity and the core is the fluidity of its interior space, which molds together all the rooms and grants the freedom to reinvent each part of the house on a daily base, defying the conventional divisions of living spaces.

在设计1.8米宽的房子时,我们必须面对的第一个挑战是地块的大小和客户所希望的空间和心理开放性的并列问题。该地块仅有2.5米乘11米,是一个典型的 “鳗鱼床”,在这里,你可以伸出手臂,触摸到建筑的两面外墙。为了避免内部空间的拥挤,我们专注于在墙壁之间保持尽可能多的自由空间,并创造一个流动的、好玩的空间。

The first challenge we had to face with the design of the 1.8M Width House was the juxtaposition of the size of the plot and the spatial and psychological openness the clients’ wished for. At a mere 2.5 by 11m, the site is a typical “eels’ bed”, where you can, with your arms extended, touch both external walls of the building. To avoid a cramped interior, we focused on keeping as much free space as possible between the walls and on the creation of a fluid, playful space.

为了设计一个小而不断变化的房子,我们把房子看作是一个小 “地方 “的集合体,并设计了一个环境,使这种 “地方 “在不同层次上扩展。狭长空间中的浮动地板产生了空间上的扩张,而光线和新鲜空气从立面和屋顶流入,通过细长的架子,进一步增强了空间的特殊性。日常生活用品自然地融入了这个氛围,与室内设计和居民融为一体。

To design a small but ever-changing house, we considered the house as an aggregation of small “places” and designed an environment in which such “places” expand on various levels. The floating floors in the long and narrow space generate a spatial expanse, while light and fresh air flow in from the façade and the roof, through the slender shelves that further enhance the peculiarities of the space. Daily household goods fit naturally into the atmosphere, blending in with the interior design and the inhabitants.


The structure was developed by fully considering the singularity of the building shape. Columns and beams were limited to maximize the interior space. Steel-frame construction was found to be the most adequate to the narrow frontage imposed by the site, while an EZ stake system was adopted for the concrete foundation. Furthermore, the chosen exterior materials do not require scaffolding and an open piping route that can be easily maintained was installed to match the uniqueness of the site. Natural ventilation was carefully studied to minimize the use of air conditioning system. Natural wind and air flow circulator provide a comfortable space for the habitants.

1.8米宽的房子位于东京中心区域的一条商业街上。和城市的许多其他地方一样,这里也挤满了人和建筑。我们现在看到的众多往往是微小的建筑,是随着时间的推移,在土地成本和需求上升的双重作用下诞生的。事实上,土地所有者为了出售土地而分割原有的地块并不罕见,这种现象是 “鳗鱼床 “出现的原因:宽度接近法律规定的最低限度2米的场地。

The 1.8M Width House is located on a shopping street in a central area of Tokyo. As many other parts of the city, it’s crowded with people and buildings alike. The multitude of often minute constructions we see now was born over time due to the dual action of rising land costs and demand. As a matter of fact, it isn’t uncommon for landowners to partition the original plot in order to sell it and this phenomenon is behind the appearance of the “Eels’ beds”: sites of a width close to the legal minimum of 2m.


Working with these situations is a challenge but also a possibility to increase the available built space in the city while preventing its expansion. Moreover, along with other solutions, this strategy allows a variety of clients to access otherwise expensive neighborhoods and to carry on the city’s characteristic fast-paced evolution.

Architects: YUUA Architects & Associates
Area : 80 m²
Year : 2012
Photographs :Sobajima, Toshihiro
Manufacturers : Hansgrohe, Kaldewei, Kurosawa Metal, Showa Denko Building Materials, WOODPRO WOODPRO
Lead Architect : Aihara Madoka
Other Participants : Hirotsugu Tsuboi Structural Engineers
City : Toshima
Country : Japan