291Photograph是一个充满相机和照片的精选商店。这里有各种项目空间,如照片销售、照片展示、图书销售、社区和相机展示区。首先,我们考虑到照片的术语是 “通过灯光捕捉过去的瞬间”。出于这个原因,我们考虑把各种时刻和故事放在空间里。最后,我们确定了三个概念来解释不同类型的空间。

291Photograph is a select shop filled with cameras and photographs. There are various program spaces, such as photo-selling, photo-display, book-selling, community, and camera-display zone. First, we thought about the terms of photograph as “captured moment of the past by lighting”. For this reason, we consider to put various moments and stories in the space. Finally, we identify three concepts that explain the different kinds of spaces.

第一个是 “取景器”。取景器是摄影师通过它来构图和聚焦照片的。它是为那些希望投放信息的人准备的物品。

The first one is “viewfinder”. A viewfinder is what the photographer looks through to compose, and focus the picture. It is the item for someone who desires to put message.


Depend on the user, the focal point can be changed directly, and this principle improves the identity of space. To explain the process of set up focus, we overlapped transparent and translucence material in the space. It could make different spatial moment during the overlapping materials and colors.

第二个是 “框架”。与取景器相比,框架已经捕捉到了物体,它代表了过去。我们认为过去是模糊的,所以我们想用视觉来表达这种感觉。我们认为过去是建立起来的记忆,所以我们赋予过去以形状。几个层次的设计元素代表了我们如何阅读过去。

The second one is “frame”. Compare with viewfinder, frame already captured object, and it represent the past. We thought about past is dim and vague, so we want to express this kind of feeling visually. We thought that past is memory which was built, so we give shape to past. The several layers of design element represent how we read the past.

最后一个是 “时间的流动”,包括过去、现在和未来。随着时间的推移,我们获得经验,与不同的人接触。在这个概念中,我们认为各种编程空间有助于人们分享他们的经验和思想,这将带来一个强大的社区。

The last one is “the flow of time” which include past, present, and future. As time goes by, we acquire experience, contacting with different people. In this concept, we thought that various programming spaces help people to share their experience and thought, and it will bring a strong community.


Each different times represent different spaces of the functional connection. As mentioned above, these three metaphors could be central idea or concept of 291Photograph.

Architects : LABOTORY
Area : 438 m²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Yong Joon Choi
Manufacturers : Benjamin Moore, ARCGATE, Dongnam Furniture, V art, White glass