位于河流和足球场之间的地块,在一个宽阔的环境中,Empalot区的MG3地块在城市构成系统中扮演着领导者的角色,为该项目提供了一个真正的大都市维度。这个 “景观建筑 “由相互滑动的垂直和水平体量组成,并与周围的体量相呼应,容纳了90个出售的住房单元和20个社会住房单元。

With a plot located between the river and a football field, in a wide-open environment, the MG3 lot of Empalot district acts as a leader in the urban composition system and offers a real metropolitan dimension to the project. Composed of a vertical and a horizontal volume sliding against each other and recalling the surrounding volumetrics, this «landscape building» hosts 90 housing units for sale and 20 social housing units.

这些住宅从一个房间到五个房间不等,在垂直建筑中被安排在12层,而在水平建筑中被安排在5层。底层是一个会所,包括更衣室和一个可从足球场进入的公共房间,以及两个为残疾儿童服务的 “奥克西坦尼复原 “协会的场所。地下两层还设有私人停车场,可从建筑的背面进入。

The dwellings, ranging from one room to five-room, are arranged on 12 floors in the vertical building, and on 5 floors in the horizontal one. On the ground floor are a clubhouse containing the changing rooms and a common room accessible from the football field, and two premises for the “Resilience Occitanie” association dedicated to children with disabilities. Two basement levels also host private parking reachable from the backside of the building.


The sliding layout of the two buildings generates two large green outdoor spaces, one hosting the main entrance hall of the building protected by a large landscaped porch, and the other giving access to the stairwells at the back of the building.


Balconies and shades. With a south-facing main facade bordering a football field, it was essential to think about how to guarantee summer comfort to all apartments. That is why a double device has been set up, combining large metal sun protections, extending 2 meters wide long balconies all along the South and West facades, and creating real outdoor rooms in addition.


At the last levels, only a shade covering the entire width of the balconies protects the inhabitants like a pergola. Acting as foliage, these shades have been thought of and designed to provide similar comfort to that offered by the cover of a tree on a sunny afternoon. On the Northside, simple balconies, protected by a shade on the last level, also offer an outdoor space for the smallest typologies of housing.

住房。 在室内,凉亭容纳了大型的住房类型,它们都受益于长长的阳台和南部和西部的阳光保护。草原建筑的5层楼里也有同样的住房布局,都是交叉或双层的,并总是有长长的阳台。在最后一层,一个巨大的景观和种植的露台沿着建筑的整个长度进行。大楼的所有居民都可以进入,它提供了一个大的户外空间,上面有一个木制的平台,一个日光浴室和一个儿童涉水池。

Housing. Inside, the belvedere hosts large typologies of housing which all benefit from long balconies and sun protection to the South and West. The prairie building hosts the same layout of housing on its 5 floors, all crossing or double-oriented, and always accompanied by long balconies. On the last level, a huge landscaped and planted terrace takes place along the entire length of the building. Accessible to all the inhabitants of the building, it offers a large outdoor space covered with a wooden deck, a solarium, and a wading pool for children.

Architects: CoBe Architecture & Paysage
Area : 5396 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Cédric Colin
Client : Bouygues Immobilier Toulouse
Design Team : CoBe Architecture et Paysage, Girus GE Toulouse, PING, Bureau Veritas, SCBA, 3J Technologies, Pier énergie, Polymétrie, Duo Créativ
City : Toulouse
Country : France