
正是在这样的环境中–一个快速发展的城市中的宁静港湾–我们为Acne Studios建立了一个新的商店:一个旗舰店,他们将在其中销售他们的男装和女装系列。

The narrow, winding side streets of Gangnam house some of the most exclusive shops in the South Korean capital.

It is in this setting – a haven of peace in a fast-moving city – that we have built a new store for Acne Studios: a flagship store, in which they will sell both their men’s and women’s collections.


瑞典文化推崇谦虚和谨慎。相比之下,Acne Studios的设计是有力的,散发着态度。我们的建筑反映了这种对比。从外面看,它是一个克制的、相当优雅的灯箱:半透明的、幽灵般的,但本质上是朴素和简单的。不过,外表可以是欺骗性的;在这种情况下,它们也是如此。当你进入时,你会意识到,虽然它可能只是一个盒子,但它是一个隐藏着沉重的、忧郁的、混凝土怪物的盒子。

Seoul has a highly distinctive character. The large number of western brands to which it is home – powerful brands, with strong identities – could very easily have undermined its individuality; but this doesn’t seem to have happened. As a visitor, my impression is that western brands and Korean urban culture have given something to one another; that they have cross-fertilised to exciting effect.

Swedish culture prizes modesty and discretion. By contrast, Acne Studios’ designs are forceful and exude attitude. Our building reflects this contrast. Viewed from the outside, it is a restrained, rather elegant lightbox: translucent and ghostly but, in essence, plain and simple. Appearances, though, can be deceptive; and so they are, in this case. As soon as you enter, you realise that while it may only be a box, it is a box concealing a heavy, brooding, concrete monster.



The structure is a rectangular building on two floors, both of rough concrete, with four pairs of concrete columns holding up the roof and the upper floor. Around one of these columns winds a floating concrete staircase.

Once upstairs, you realise that there is something else about this building that is a little bit strange. As you look down and about, you notice that the rough, lumpen, concrete structure is entirely separate from the translucent walls that enclose it; that it sits inside its elegant box as if in a display case.

没有任何装饰。混凝土带有粗糙木材的印记,如用于制作通往斯德哥尔摩群岛海滩的木板路;Acne Studios的服装在柔和的反光金属墙上展示,独立于开放空间;但没有一个传统的装饰。

There is no decoration. The concrete bears the imprint of rough timber such as that used to make boardwalks to the beach in the Stockholm archipelago; and Acne Studios’ clothing is shown against softly reflective metal walls, freestanding in the open space; but there is not a single decorative finish of a traditional kind.


Sweden is a land of light and air: vibrant light and clean, fresh, invigorating air that can induce feelings of euphoria and otherworldliness. The shop’s atmosphere is otherworldly. You are cut off from views of Seoul; you are enveloped in soft daylight, filtering through the polycarbonate walls, and light from bare fluorescents overhead, diffused by metal grids; and we have played tricks with the music to increase the sense of otherworldliness.


The store is also pristine. No equipment – no ducts or pipes; no entrails or vital organs; no obtrusive mechanical realities – are allowed to disturb the atmosphere within. Instead, they are piled up on the roof.


One last detail: the building sits on vegetation typical of that found in the Swedish archipelagos: wild plants of every description, including, of course, wild strawberries.

Architects: Sophie Hicks Architects
Area : 230 m²
Year : 2015
Photographs :Annabel Elston, Noblesse Magazine
Manufacturers : Danpal, EVERLITE, DVP, Ganter, Samsung
Lighting Design : Arup
Structural Engineering : Arup
Client : Acne Studios in partnership with Shinsegae
City : Gangnam-gu
Country : South Korea