
Quality materials like wood and concrete were used to give a peaceful sensation of simplicity. Recently inaugurated, this Healthcare Center for elderly people has been built with the innovative CLT system, which allowed a high level of accuracy, sustainability, and high speed of construction. The plot has 1070sqm of constructed area and 3500sqm of green area.

在中央庭院–项目的核心中心–耸立着一棵橄榄树,它是促进该项目的非营利组织Rosa María Vivar的创始人家族的象征。这个天井支持并照亮了中央流通区域,该区域旨在成为一个宽阔而缓慢的空间,始终伴随着橄榄树的形象,传递着敏感和宁静。天井还衔接了六个不同用途的模块,每个模块都有自己的独立花园,拥有该地块75%的绿化面积。室外空间被设计成保健疗法和治疗的一部分。

In the central courtyard -the core center of the project- rises an olive tree, a symbol for the founder family of Rosa María Vivar, the non-profit organization that promoted the project. This patio supports and illuminates the central circulation area that is intended as a wide but slow space, always accompanied by the image of the olive tree that transmits sensitivity and tranquility. The patio also articulates six modules for different uses, each with its own independent garden, having 75% of the green area at the plot. The outdoor spaces were designed to be part of the healthcare therapies and treatments.


It comes as state-of-the-art technology the use of a wood construction system called CLT. Wood is the main material of this project not only for its sense of spatial warmth -the idea of creating a warm and friendly environment- but also due to its flexibility of use, essential in the case of the Healthcare Center, dividing areas of controlled dimension without losing the advantages that a single large space can provide.


The circulations are solved in a simple and logical way to facilitate the user of the users and to take advantage of all the spaces of coexistence. The gardens or outdoor spaces are designed to carry out complementary activities to the regular therapies. It is divided into 6 independent spaces, communicated with each other, determined by the building’s own projection towards the outside. These spaces are designed to improve the physical and general state of each person.


The design, the choice of plant species, and the different furniture elements have a common objective: to facilitate contact with nature to contribute to well-being and help to improve the quality of life of people.

Architects: GCA Architects
Area: 1070 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Salva López
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Klein, ROCKWOOL, Adobe, Egoin, Lecumberri, Trimble
Structure: Capilla Monaco Arquitectos
Contractor: COASA
Landscape:Belén Mutlló Pamies
Direction Execution:Josep Marsal, Maria Escoda
Clients:Fundación Rosa María Vivar
Installations:Enginyeria Xavier Riveiro Sl Profesional