
This is a renovation project of a side corridor-type multiple dwelling house, first sold at the end of 1970s. The original layout was for a rather small three-bed room apartment*, which was typical for a condominium apartment during this period.

原始布局的设计是为了从开发商的角度优化经济效益和功能–考虑到1970年代日本的标准生活方式。该布局非常清晰,例如,在客厅里把某些家具放在哪里是很明显的。然而,这样的 “优化 “布局在某种程度上迫使居住者过着那个时代的标准化生活,这似乎限制了他们的生活方式,而且让人感到相当窒息。

The original layout was designed to optimize the economic efficiency and functionality from the developer’s point of view – taking into account the standard lifestyle of the 1970s Japan. The layout was so clear that it was obvious as to where to put certain furniture in the living room, for example. However, such an “optimized” layout somewhat forced occupants to live the standardized life of the era, which seemed to limit the way they lived, and was experienced as rather suffocating.


Therefore, in this renovation project, we paid attention to the distribution of the living areas, and tried to liberate the space by distributing them without taking a particular lifestyle into account.


For example, we first prepared four spaces in different sizes without pre-deciding the usage for them.
The four spaces that don’t have pre-destined purposes do not have anything that stipulates their relationship, and so we positioned them simply, according to the sizes of the spaces, one by one from the balcony side, and positioned the bathroom, changing room, toilet/bathroom – which have clear functions – in the left space.


The walls along the four spaces were built only to the longer side of the apartment in order to get light and ventilation. The wooden walls have made it possible for the occupants to use screws as they wish, and they have been designed to be used according to the occupants needs.


And these wooden walls can act as a symbol for each space, so we made them to be something which appeal to the space by putting high gloss acrylic painting on the surface.

我们打算创造一个与居住者共同发展的生活空间,提供灵活和未定义的空间,以适应居住者在未来的变化和需求。这是一种不同的方法,因为它不再强迫居住者以开发商可能认为 “最佳 “的方式使用特定的空间。

As a result, the apartment becomes essentially one big space with four stand-alone wooden walls.
We intended to create a living space which develops together with the occupants by providing flexible and undefined space that can adapt to the changes and needs of the occupants in the coming future. This is a different approach because it no longer forces occupants to use a given space in a way that a developer might have thought “optimal”.

Architects: G architects studio
Area: 60 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Daisuke Shima /adhoc inc.
Manufacturers: Catalano, Grohe, Jimbo