Arrachay来自Quichua语言。Arrarray,非常凉爽(agua termal)。Achachay, very frío (páramo andino). 这个项目是自动投入使用的,是多年来梦想的结晶,包含了当地的技术、环境挑战和小型但灵活的建筑。这个项目是在大流行期间设计的,基于新使用的术语 “workations”。其目的是为了挑战新的工作方式。在一个不可思议的自然环境中远程工作。

Arrachay from Quichua language: Arrarray, very caliente (agua termal). Achachay, very frío (páramo andino). This project is auto-commissioned, the culmination of many years of dreams, encompassing local technology, environmental challenges, and small but flexible architecture. Designed during the pandemic, this project is based on the newly used term “workations”. Its purpose is to challenge new ways to work. Working remotely in an incredible natural setting.

该团队找到的答案是在附近的城市建造2个模块。 构建工作是与朋友一起手工完成的,并在一个屋顶下进行。这使团队能够优化建造时间。搬家当天,结构受到了考验,它承担了很高的拉力和压缩力。 对于团队来说,搬家当天代表着巨大的压力和对未知的恐惧,一切都很新鲜。最后,目标完成了,Arrachay在离建筑工地100多公里的最终地点分两块建成。

The answer the team found is to build 2 modules in the city nearby. The build is done by hand with friends and under a roof. This allows the team to optimize build time. On the day of the move, the structure is put to the test, it undertakes high tension and compression forces. For the team moving day represents a great deal of stress and fear of the unknown, everything is new. Finally, the objective is completed, Arrachay is built in 2 pieces at its final site over 100km away from the building site.

设计。尺寸是基于运输的可行性和材料的优化(与3.05米,长4.88米,高2.44米)一个15平方米的平面图必须是功能性和灵活性。 服务设施被安置在一个60厘米的单条内(厨房、楼梯和半浴室),其余的木材和玻璃区域是自由的。 在侧面有一个额外的休息区,它可以悬空到避难所的一侧;它与森林相连,可以作为一个额外的床。 烹饪台面可以展开,形成饮食和工作区。 旁边的浴室是llucha(kichwa语的裸体),有一个浴缸,完全在外面的树木和灌木丛中。 在顶层,有一张双人床的空间,正面可以看到环礁湖,顶部可以通过屋顶看到星星。

Design. The dimensions are based on transportation feasibility and material optimization (3.05m in with, 4.88m in length, and 2.44m in height) A 15m2 floor plan must be functional and flexible. Services are accommodated in a single 60cm strip (kitchen, stairs, and half bathroom) the rest of the wood and glass area is free. On the side there is an additional rest area that cantilevers to the side of the refuge; it is connected to the forest and serves as an extra bed. The cooking countertop unfolds to create the eating and work area. Next to the bathroom the shower is llucha (naked in kichwa), has a tub, and is completely outside in the middle of trees and bushes. On the top level, there is room for a double bed with a front view of the lagoon and a top view through the roof to the stars.

该项目力争碳足迹小,挑战是在不使用石油基材料的情况下创造高效的绝缘。 这创造了一个新的挑战,与另一个盟友YES Innovation一起开发这项技术。 实验从BIOM开始,这是一种来自生物资源的新型绝缘材料,它利用大米纤维的热特性。我们的想法是在厄瓜多尔海岸的Daule社区的生产中创造三重影响(社会、环境和经济),这些纤维曾经被焚烧,现在它们被用于循环经济。在Arrachay,周边的每个部分都被考虑到了(门、墙和屋顶),以确定BIOM 50kg/m3的正确密度来填充木结构。 隔热材料被覆盖了天然阻燃剂,并被手工包装在结构中。 保温材料的散装使用可以优化现场的安装,避免热桥。 周边的保温材料的密度和热特性有助于保持热量,使其具有较高的热性能,尽管外部环境的温度变化。 通过红外热成像的现场分析,证实了保温材料在周边的平均分布。

The project strives to have a small carbon footprint, the challenge is to create efficient insulation without using petroleum-based materials. This creates a new challenge, developing this technology with another ally YES Innovation. The experimentation starts with BIOM a new type of insulation from a biosource, that uses the thermal characteristics of rice fibers. The idea is to create a triple impact in its production (social, environmental and economic) in the communities in Daule on the Ecuadorian coast where these fibers used to be burnt and now, they are used in a circular economy. In Arrachay every part of the perimeter was considered (foor, walls, and roof) to establish the correct density of BIOM 50kg/m3 to fill the wooden structure. The insulation was covered with a natural fire retardant and was hand-packed in the structure. The bulk use of the insulation allows to optimize installation on site and avoids thermic bridges. The density and thermal characteristics of the insulation on the perimeter helps to keep in heat giving it high thermic performance despite the temperature variations of the outside environment. An onsite analysis made by infrared thermography confirmed equal distribution of the insulation on the perimeter.

Architects: Javier Mera Luna, Lesly Villagrán, María Beatriz Moncayo
Area: 25 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: JAG Studio
Architectural design: Javier Mera Luna, Lesly Villagrán y María Beatriz Moncayo.
Constructive And Bioclimatic Technology:Juan Subía (aFuego diseño), Grace Yépez y Nicolas Salmon Yes Innovation y Javier Mera Luna.
Graphics:María Beatriz Moncayo
Constructive Details:Carolina Vázquez.