在俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)主修美术雕塑的本科期间,瓦茨从未与木材打交道。2012年毕业后,他回到了自己的家乡旧金山,在那里,他开始在一家家具作坊工作,专门做桌子。正是在这个时期,瓦茨开始将他积累的木工知识应用到他的雕塑实践中。今天,瓦茨的工作是基于他在那个工作室偶然发现的传统木雕和家具制作技术。他创造的雕塑作品,暗示功能和家庭对象的微妙的形式。它们令人意想不到的形状似乎是从木材中有机生长出来的;结和褶皱成为雕塑本身的特征。

Afateful job in a wood workshop lead San Francisco-based artist Julian Watts to a sculptural practice based in the interstice between art and craft.
Throughout his undergraduate degree as a sculpture major in Fine Arts at the University of Oregon, Watts never worked with wood. After graduating in 2012, he returned to his hometown of San Francisco, there he began working in a furniture workshop that specialized in tables. It was during this period that Watts began to apply his cumulative knowledge of woodwork to his sculptural practice. Today, Watts’ work is based upon the traditional wood carving and furniture making techniques that he stumbled upon in that workshop. He creates sculptural pieces that allude to function and domestic objects in the subtleties of their form. Their unexpected shapes appear to have grown organically from the wood; knots and furls becoming features of the sculptures themselves.

Author: Julian Watts
Photography: ©Julian Watts
