由97cm和Jakob Hetzer设计的“意识/无意识”是一个合作的艺术展览,探索人类意识形成和自然元素的无意识影响之间的相似之处。这一点在各种雕塑和画布上得到了体现,这些雕塑和画布不仅使用了天然材料,还使用了化学物质和人类创造的物质。织物、质地、化学、重力和重量之间的这种关系不仅显示了有意识和无意识创造之间的差异,而且也揭示了它们之间的悖论。

’Conscious/ Unconscious by 97cm and Jakob Hetzer is a collaborative art exhibit, exploring the parallels between human conscious formation and unconscious impact by natural elements. This is showcased in various sculptures and canvases created using not only natural materials but also chemical, humanly created substances. This relationship between fabric, texture, chemistry, gravity and weight shows not only the differences between conscious and unconscious creation but also the paradox that lies within them.

Author: 97cm & Jakob Hetzer
Project: Conscious/ Unconscious
Photogrphy: ©Lukas Korschan
