Augusta Vin的业主原本想要一个种植园风格的项目,在一楼和二楼设置环绕式门廊,作为葡萄园产品的品鉴室。我们刚好在Texas Timber Frames的办公室里看到了一个概念性的结构设计,其灵感来自于一种被称为 “cruck frame “的传统旧世界木材结构,业主非常喜欢这种结构。cruck框架以使用拱形树来抓住椽子并实现清晰的跨度而著称;这是旧世界造船业最好最直的材料的副产品。

The owner of Augusta Vin originally wanted a plantation-style project with wrap around porches on the first and second floors as a tasting room for the vineyard’s products. We happened to have a conceptual structural design kicking around the Texas Timber Frames office inspired by a traditional old world timber structure called a cruck frame, which the owner loved. The cruck frame is notable for using arched trees to catch rafters and achieve a clear span; a byproduct of the best and straightest material going to shipbuilding in the old world.

为了在正面建造一个两层楼高的大门廊,以框住70英亩葡萄园的景色,同时需要50’的内部净跨度,以实现座位、酒吧和手工艺品销售商的开放计划,Texas Timber Frames能够通过使用胶合木拱门而不是自然形状的树木作为主要支撑,来调整、更新和扩大cruck框架的概念。在意识到结构概念所创造的巨大体量后,我们引入了一个中央天桥,用于通往阳台和额外的座位,并将人们带到教堂窗户和自然日光下的结构中心。

Between the desire for a large two-story porch on the front to frame views to their 70 acres of vineyards, and the need for a 50’ interior clear span to achieve an open plan for seating, bars, and craft vendors, Texas Timber Frames was able to adapt, modernize, and scale up the cruck frame concept with the use of glu-lam arches instead of naturally shaped trees for primary support. After realizing the massive volume created by the structural concept, a central catwalk was introduced for access to the balcony, additional seating, and to bring people up into the heart of the structure under clerestory windows and natural daylight.


The largest challenge came in material procurement; although we used glu-lams for the arched members in the timber frame, the owner wanted as much of the project to be natural timber as possible. Due to the sheer scale, some of that material is large – close to 40’ tall and 16” thick posts – beams like that are not easy to come by, and the project required 12 of them. Due to this predicament, we implemented some special concealed joinery within the timber posts to support cantilevered overhangs.

主要结构是由道格拉斯冷杉胶合板和天然木梁组成的,使用传统的榫卯木材细木工作,并使用结构性橡木钉和T&G甲板。考虑到长跨度,框架中的钢结构数量少得惊人,是现代木结构的真正展示。德州木结构公司的加工车间使用Hundegger的k2机床,使这个巨大的木结构成为可能,并且更容易生产。Hundegger数控机床将木材细木工件预先切割到我们的横梁上,同时需要手工凿刻来添加修饰,这一过程通过创建一个易于组装的 “成年林肯原木 “套件,使现场安装更加高效。

The primary structure is of Douglas Fir glu-lam and natural timber beams held together using traditional mortise and tenon timber joinery with structural oak pegs and T&G decking. The frame has a surprisingly small amount of steel joinery considering the long spans, and is truly a showcase of modern timber construction. This massive timber structure is made possible and much easier to produce with Hundegger’s k2 machine in Texas Timber Frame’s fabrication shop. The Hundegger CNC machine pre-cuts timber joinery into our beams while hand-chiseling is required to add finishing touches, this process makes installation on-site much more efficient by creating an easily assembled kit of “adult Lincoln logs”.

该项目由一个20英尺深的大型入口门廊和阳台组成,让德克萨斯州弗雷德里克斯堡的奥古斯塔-文葡萄园的景色一览无余。内部开辟了一个50’×50’的体量,包括服务、座位、展示区和裸露的木质框架结构。主要的品酒吧台位于50’x50’空间内的中央天桥下,并以 “华夫板 “为特色,由相交的木材形成天花板。后面20’的结构用于服务、机械和存储区域,楼上的扩展部分可以俯瞰财产后面的Nasse溪。

The project consists of a large 20’ deep entry porch and balcony that gives sweeping views of the Augusta Vin vineyard in Fredericksburg, Texas. The interior opens to a 50’ by 50’ volume with serving, seating, display areas, and exposed timber frame structure. The main wine tasting bar is under the central catwalk within the 50’ by 50’ space and features a “waffle slab” of intersecting timbers creating the ceiling. The rear 20’ of structure is utilized for service, mechanical, and storage areas with an upstairs extension that overlooks Nasse Creek in the back of the property.

建筑师:Texas Timber Frames
面积: 8980 m²
摄影作品:Cody Wortmann
Architects: Texas Timber Frames
Area: 8980 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Cody Wortmann