沐浴室的设计试图探索 “生活之家 “的概念,使用定义物质性的不同元素,如体积、纹理、颜色和光线。这些基本的建筑元素的适当组合是使我们生活的建筑空间发生变化的原因。

The conception of the project for the Bath Room sought to explore the concept “The Living House”, using different elements that define materiality such as volumetry, texture, color, and light. The appropriate combination of these basic architectural elements is what enables the transformation of the built space where we live.

在这种情况下,”生活之家 “不仅通过景观的存在、自然光和与外部花园的关系而发生,而且通过使用它的人对空间的不同解释的可能性,通过每个人在检索他或她的情感记忆的元素时所经历的感觉,无论是通过传统瓷砖的存在,还是通过在中性背景上突出的粉红色调,或者通过人们在一个自然空间的感觉,例如一个洞穴。

The Living House, in this case, occurs not only by the presence of landscaping, natural light, and the relationship with the external gardens, but by the different possibilities of interpretation of the space by those who use it, by the sensations that each one experiences when retrieving elements of his or her affective memory, whether by the presence of traditional tiles, or by the pink tone that stands out on the neutral background, or by the feeling that one is in a natural space, a cave, for example.


The use of tiles in a pregnant way, as the only coating, reinforces the geometric rigor of the volumetry and rescues the idea of the traditional bathroom as an appreciation of its users’ own history.

形状和颜色的灵感来自墨西哥建筑师路易斯-巴拉甘(Luis Barragán)的建筑,他将欧洲现代主义的影响与当地传统建筑的元素相结合。墨西哥当代建筑因其低成本解决方案的能力、对环境的敏感性和使用色彩作为一种强烈的设计姿态而脱颖而出。

The shapes and colors were inspired by the architecture of Mexican architect Luis Barragán, who associated European modernism influences with elements of local traditional architecture. Mexican contemporary architecture stands out for its capacity for low-cost solutions, sensitivity to its context, and the use of color as a strong design gesture.


Amidst neutral tones, the color pink was chosen to highlight the volumetry that occupies the center of the environment. To create the atmosphere of relaxation, natural elements were used in its composition, such as iron (in the shelves), straw (in the objects) and pebbles in the foot-washing.


Next to it, the sculptural bathtub dictates the comfortable atmosphere of the space. The golden metals give a sophisticated touch to the 41 m² of the project.

Architects : Esquadra Architects
Area : 41 m²
Year : 2018
Photographs :Haruo Mikami
Manufacturers : AutoDesk, Doka Bath Works, Trimble
Responsible Architects : Filipe Monte Serrat and Manuela Dantas
Collaborators : Marianna Resende, Silvana Moraes and Nara Cunha
City : Brasília
Country : Brasil