BbyB的第一家海外店,由安特卫普的米其林二星级厨师巴特•德斯米特(Bart Desmidt)开设。BbyB的巧克力以条形的形式出现,从外观上看可能是一样的,但它们有30种丰富独特的口味,从草莓、胡椒和柠檬到西番莲果和罗勒。因为巧克力的形状都是一样的,所以包装是模块化的:五根巧克力棒整齐地插入每个抽屉,五根盒子一起插入一个立方体。盒子里的东西只有在盒子被打开和关闭的过程中才会逐渐显现出来,直到吃完最后一口才会给人惊喜,并把盒子变成了一个“神奇的五斗橱”。按照这个逻辑,我们把商店空间变成了巧克力包装的三维版本。巧克力似乎漂浮在一个透明的“五斗橱”里,放在商店的中央。当顾客购买巧克力时,他们会像巧克力包装一样,滑动盒子,自己把巧克力取出来。在商店的后面,透明的盒子变成了一个单独展示巧克力的陈列柜,然后变成了商店咖啡厅的一个柜台。商店是一个狭长的空间,非常适合容纳12.5米长的家具。我们把商店的前面全部变成白色,后面的咖啡馆空间全部变成黑色,包装立方体的配色方案,并用巧克力包装“平铺”在白色墙壁上,使整个墙壁变成另一个“抽屉”。设计创造了一个无缝过渡之间的商店空间,包装和吃巧克力的行为,提供一个有机的,引人注目的体验。

The first overseas shop for BbyB, the chocolate shop by Antwerp-based, two-Michelin star chef Bart Desmidt. With their bar form, BbyB’s chocolates may look the same from the outside, but they come in 30 richly distinctive flavours, from strawberry, pepper and lemon to passionfruit and basil. Because the chocolates are all the same shape, the packaging is modular: five bars of chocolate slot neatly into each sliding box, and five boxes slot together into a cube. The contents become apparent only gradually, as the boxes are opened and closed, offering surprises until the very last bite and turning the cube into a ‘magic chest of drawers’. Following this logic, we turned the shop space into a three-dimensional version of the chocolate packaging. The chocolates seem to float in a transparent ‘chest of drawers’, placed at the centre of the shop. When they purchase chocolates, customers slide the chest and remove them by themselves just like the chocolate packaging.Towards the rear of the shop, the transparent chest becomes a showcase that displays chocolates individually, then turns into a counter for customers at the shop’s cafe. The shop is a long, narrow space, well-suited to accommodate a 12.5 m long piece of furniture. We made the front of the shop entirely white and the cafe space at the rear entirely black, following the
colour scheme of the packaging cube, and ‘tiled’ the white wall with chocolate packages so that the entire wall turns into another ‘drawer’. The design creates a seamless transition between the shop space, the packaging and the act of eating the chocolates, offering an organic, compelling experience.

Design: Nendo
Collaborator : Masumi Hotta (NOMURA Co.,Ltd)
Photographer : Daici Ano