在翻新历史建筑时,大多数建筑师都是作为修复者或现代化者来完成这项任务的。而不像柏林的建筑师GisbertPöppler,他精通传统与现代的天才使他能够在概念和建筑上无缝地桥接过去和现在。Pöppler敏锐的方法体现在“ Berliner Zimmer ”中,这是一栋新装修的公寓,位于柏林夏洛滕堡(Charlottenburg)典雅的街区,既可以充分利用建筑物的建筑传统,又可以陶醉于当代的精致氛围。精心细致和精巧的公寓,是各种复杂干预和定制家具的宝库,其低调的精致之处在于注重功能性和对设计艺术的热情,同时又反映了业主的品味和敏感性。

When it comes to renovating historic buildings, most architects approach the task either as restorers or modernizers; not Berlin based architect Gisbert Pöppler, whose talent for masterfully balancing tradition and modernity enables him to seamlessly bridge past and present, both conceptually and architecturally. Pöppler’s astute approach is exemplified in “Berliner Zimmer”, a recently renovated apartment in the elegant neighbourhood of Charlottenburg in Berlin that lavishly channels the building’s architectural heritage while reveling in contemporary finesse. Meticulously detailed and exquisitely crafted, the apartment is a treasure trove of intricate interventions and bespoke furnishings whose understated sophistication belies a focus on functionality and a passion for the fine art of design, all the while reflecting the owners’ taste and sensibility.


Photography:Wolfgang Stahr, Andreas Meichsner.