
In the past years, we have learned about mobility. Commuting and professional nomadism. We have been around, working everywhere, hurting our backs in bad chairs, homes, cafés, construction sites, all sorts of transports. Micro-scale travelling in a reduced European perimeter, still quite intensively on the move. It does feel good to find, at last, a generous resting base camp in the heart of our beautiful Lisbon. A space from the past that allows us to see further in the future, to project ourselves into something else, something we are not yet and that we might become. A good space is a space where one can project oneself, individually and collectively.

在过去的几个月里,我们已经了解了不动声色,这个新词现在是我们常规词汇的一部分:禁锢。稳定和家庭适应,在我们的公寓内。我们已经无处不在,但在家里和屏幕上,用无尽的缩放来伤害我们的背部,并试图做出各种家庭练习来跟上它。纳米级的旅行从一个房间到另一个房间。再次找到我们慷慨而美丽的休息场所–BUREAU,感觉确实不错。它允许我们舒适地移动我们的身体,再次出现在周围,在不同的空间内 “旅行”。并在这两个非常重要的 “位置 “之间投射我们自己,这两个位置承载并支持我们大部分的日常生活:工作和生活空间。

The past months, we have learned about immobility, this new word that is now part of our regular vocabulary: confinement. Stability and domestic adaptation, within our apartments. We have been nowhere but at home and on the screen, hurting our backs with endless zooms and trying to make all sorts of home exercises to keep up with it. Nano-scale travelling from one room to the other. It does feel good to find, again, our generous and beautiful resting place, the BUREAU. One that allows us to move our bodies comfortably, to be around again, to “travel” within a diversity of spaces. And to project ourselves in between those two very important “lieux” that host and support most of our everyday lives: work and living spaces.

我们已经从一个和另一个中学习,我们将保留这两个的教训,帮助我们重新思考日常空间的类型,那些对塑造和调节我们的经验如此重要的空间。我们体验生活的房间,与我们的同事和家人在一起,最重要的是,我们在这里分享不需要 “放大 “的时刻–新的外面。这些时刻使BUREAU空间成为一个地方,一个定居点,一个房间,一个工作室,一个办公室,一个客厅,一个迪斯科,一个研究室,一个餐厅,一个前庭,一个我们试图找出如何更好地工作的地方。

We have learned from one and the other and we will keep the lessons of both, helping us to re-think typologies of everyday spaces, those so important to mold and condition our experience. Rooms where we experience our lives, with our colleagues and families, and above all, where we share moments that do not need “zoom” – the new outside. Those moments are the ones that make the BUREAU space, a place, a settlement, a room, an atelier, an office, a living-room, a disco, a research lab, a dining-room, a vestibule, a place where we try to find out how to work better.

Architects: BUREAU
Area: 208 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Dylan Perrenoud
Lead Architect: Carine Pimenta
Design Team:Marco Pallaoro, Matilde Mozzi, Veera Gontsugova