Casa na Caniçada位于葡萄牙Vieira do Minho的Caniçada水库旁的一个树木茂密的地区。

Casa na Caniçada is located in a densely wooded area next to the Caniçada reservoir, in Vieira do Minho (Portugal).

现有的建筑体量是确定新体量的出发点,该体量由三层楼组成,并在其中分布了传统的单层住宅项目。最重要的项目在最高的楼层,而社会项目则分布在其余的两个楼层。在下层,房子 “向外延伸 “到地面,就像一个圆圈,可以享受周围的自然环境。

A volumetria do edifício existente no terreno foi o ponto de partida para a definição do novo volume composto por três pisos e onde se distribuí um programa tradicional de habitação unifamiliar. O programa mais íntimo encontra-se no piso mais elevado, enquanto que o programa social se distribui pelos dois restantes. No piso inferior a casa “abre-se” para o terreno, como um convite para usufruir da natureza circundante.

但是,在中层,房子通过对面的两个大开口有了更大的表现力–一个确保了房子的入口,另一个 “框住 “了面对水库的景观。它们共同确保了外部和内部之间更大的连续性,以及到达路径–穿过树木茂密的山坡–和卡尼萨达水库之间的视觉渗透性。

But it is on the middle floor that the house takes on greater expression through two large openings in opposite facades – one ensures the entrance to the house and the other “frames” the landscape facing the reservoir. Together, they ensure a greater sense of continuity between the exterior and the interior and the visual permeability between the arrival path – through the densely wooded hillside – and the Caniçada reservoir.


In outer space, the intervention was minimized in order to preserve the density of the vegetation, ensuring the feeling of protection provided by the natural surroundings of the land.

Architects: Carvalho Araújo
Area: 242 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: NUDO