在高朗市的郊区,房子位于Tan Thuan Tay村,在Nguyen Huu Kien Str.边上,这是一条新开辟的连接郊区和城市的路线,为不久后的住宅区扩张铺平道路。我们主要关注的是如何构思一个现代化的房子,同时仍然继承了这个地方的精神,并满足业主的特殊需求–一个享受孤独的诗人。

In the suburbs of Cao Lanh City, the house is located in Tan Thuan Tay Village, alongside Nguyen Huu Kien Str. – a newly opened route connecting the suburbs to the city, making way for a soon expansion of the residential area. Our main concern is finding out how to conceive a modern house, while still inheriting the spirit of the place and meeting the particular needs of the owner – a poet who enjoys his solitude.


乡村和城市化: 乡村的逐渐城市化是不可避免的。但通过我们的设计,有望在新的城市背景下保持那些迷人的、值得珍惜的 “乡村 “痕迹。本着这种精神,我们提出了建造一个能唤起人们对在这里存在了很长时间的感觉的新房子的想法。这座房子借鉴了高朗的传统住房秩序:从坡度格式到当地材料的使用以及与当地工艺相匹配的建筑技术。

The project is structured within these values:

Countryside And Urbanization: The gradual urbanization of the countryside is inevitable. But through our design, it is expected to keep those charming and cherished “rural” traces in the new urban context. With that spirit, the idea of ​​building a new house that evokes the feeling of having existed here for a long time was proposed. The house is learning from Cao Lanh’s traditional housing order: from the slope format to the local materials uses and construction techniques matching the local craftsmanship.

模糊边界: 将河岸的景观尽可能地接近生活空间。在住宅-花园的边界,斜向的安排将边界从 “笔画 “变成了 “区域”,因此,增加了对河岸景观的视野。这个缓冲空间是房主的最爱,而且大部分时间都在使用。 元素的交替使建筑-景观边界看起来更加 “有机”,人类活动因此得到了包容和保护。

Blurring Boundaries: Bringing the riverbank’s landscape as close to the living space as possible. At the house-garden boundary, the arrangement of the oblique directions turns the boundary from a “stroke” to a “zone”, therefore, increasing the view toward the riverside landscape. This buffer space is the favorite of the homeowner and is used most of the time. Alternating the elements makes the architecture-landscape boundary look more “organic”, human activities are therefore embraced and protected.

第二个鸟巢: 自古以来,湄公河三角洲的人们建造房屋的方式几乎与鸟儿筑巢的方式相似:从周围环境中收集材料–木材、粘土、椰壳和椰叶。家具和家庭用品也是由竹子和藤条制成。因此,传统房屋本身成为一个令人印象深刻的生活博物馆,其日常活动暴露了一种大胆的文化。鸟巢 “的想法也是主人自己给我们的想法。在城市生活了很长时间后,住在一个多年来建立和调整的漂亮的小 “巢 “里,他决定卖掉房子,搬回他的家乡,住在家人附近。整个房子的木质结构是由当地一个老房子的框架重新使用的。旧巢的大部分家具在新巢中被重新使用。房子的主要木质部分完成后,剩余的木材被用来在河边组装一个棚屋。他希望本着重复利用周围许多已有的东西的精神,建造一座温和的房子。

The Second Bird’s Nest: Since the olden days, the way people in the Mekong Delta build their homes is almost similar to that of a bird building a nest: gathering materials from the surroundings – the wood, clay, husk and coconut leaves. Furniture and houseware are also made from bamboo and rattan. A traditional house itself, therefore, becomes an impressive living museum with daily activities exposing a bold culture. The idea of the “bird’s nest” is also an idea we’re given by the owner himself. After a long time living in the city, staying in a nice little “nest” built and adjusted over the years, he decided to sell the house and move back to his hometown to live near his family. The whole house’s wooden structure is reused from the frame of an old local house. Much of the old nest’s furniture is reused in the new nest. After the main wooden parts of the house were finished, the leftover wood was used to assemble a stilt hut by the river. He wishes to build a gentle house in the spirit of reusing much of what is already around.

最低要求: 我们被要求设计一个几乎只有一个空间的房子,供他居住、工作和休息。如果有隔断的话,也只是传统的单人房。这个公共空间完全向阳台和花园开放–他一天的大部分活动都在那里进行。一个集所有活动于一身的空间是我们从设计过程的早期就与他建立的解决方案。

Minimum Requirement: We were asked to design a house with almost only one space for him to live, work, and rest. The dividers, if any, are just conventional in a single’s house. This communal space opens up entirely onto the veranda and garden – where most of his day’s activities take place. An all-in-one space for all activities is the solution we’ve built with him since the early days of the design process.

精神价值: 除了满足最低限度的需求,房子的设计也是为了满足主人的精神需求—一个将房子作为生活和工作场所的单身诗人。保护居住者免受日晒雨淋,房子成为主人灵魂的一部分–一个他可以与自己和世界对话的地方。

Spiritual Value: Besides meeting the minimum needs, the house is also designed to meet the spiritual needs of the owner – a single poet who uses the house as both a place to live and work. Protecting the dweller from sun and rain, the house becomes part of the owner’s soul.- a place where he can talk to himself and the world.

Architects: Tad.atelier
Area: 60 m²
Year: 2021
Lighting: Ori Lighting
Design Team: Vũ Tiến An, Võ Nữ Phương Anh, Lê Uyên Minh
Design Assistants: Quỳnh Bùi, Uyên Võ, Thủy Tiên, Minh Hiếu, Kim Yến, Tuấn Huy
Technical Supervisor: Giang Vo
Contractor: Anh Phú
City: Cao Lãnh
Country: Vietnam