位于俯瞰日内瓦盆地的Saleve山脚下,由瑞士Pierre-Alain Dupraz建筑师事务所设计的 “Collonges的房子”。这个房子是为一个家庭设计的,由一系列预制的钢筋矩形混凝土盒子构成,成对堆叠在一起,以使住宅适应倾斜的地形,并满足程序上的需要。

Located at the base of saleve mountain overlooking the geneva basin is the ‘house in collonges’ by swiss practice pierre-alain dupraz architectes. designed for a single family, the home is constructed from a series of prefabricated reinforced rectangular concrete boxes, paired and stacked adjacently to – and on top of – one another in order to mold the dwelling to the sloping landscape and accommodate the programmatical necessities.


the southern axis resting on a geographical shelf contains the entry, kitchen, dining and living areas and master bedroom. the childrens’ rooms are found on the bottom level embedded into the incline with views over the valley. the neutral grey of the exposed concrete facade interrupted by light wooden frames and square windows allows the house to blend naturally into its surroundings in the lively green summers and white winters.

Architects: Pierre-Alain Dupraz
Year: 2012