该项目是一个极简主义室内设计,位于丹麦哥本哈根,由Emil Dervish设计。该空间的特点是自然的色调和材料,并利用内置插件形成分区和额外的存储空间。人字形地板铺设在整个住宅内,地板和浴室墙壁上铺有马赛克瓷砖。开放式平面布局让自然光线散布在整个空间,为客人提供更加开放和温馨的环境。

Copenhagen is a minimalist interior located in Copenhagen, Denmark, designed by Emil Dervish. The space is characterized by natural tones and materials and utilizes built-ins to form partitions and additional storage space. Herringbone floors are laid out throughout the home, with small square tiles lining the floors and walls of the bathroom. The open floor plan allows natural light to spread throughout the space, and provide a more open and welcoming environment for guests.

Design: Emil Dervish