托雷阿圭拉的DEL CARMEN殡仪馆项目包括对现有工业建筑中的一个场所进行改造,以实现一个包括3个房间、一个小教堂、餐厅和工作人员内部使用的空间的使用计划。

The DEL CARMEN FUNERAL HOME project in Torreagüera consisted of the reform of a premises included in an existing industrial building for the implementation of a program of uses that includes 3 rooms, a chapel, cafeteria and spaces for internal use by staff.


The industrial typology of the space to be reformed substantially conditioned the conception of the project from its initial phase, by requiring the use of techniques and resources of industrial construction to design spaces with important connotations of traditional domestic and religious architecture.

– 一方面,房间和小教堂的自然采光系统是通过工业集光器(SOLATUBE)来解决的,这是项目中最相关的元素之一,因为它构成了小教堂祭坛奇异化的主要元素。
– 另一方面,新用途与建筑(商业)现有用途的结合是通过处理立面来寻求的,在保持整体白色的同时,通过垂直光栅引入细微的差别,通过叠加带有穿孔肋骨建筑轮廓的覆层来实现,使整个建筑的立面统一起来。

This attempt to merge industrial construction techniques with interior spaces of a domestic and religious nature is visible in two fundamental aspects:
– On the one hand, the natural lighting system of the rooms and the chapel is solved by means of industrial light collectors (SOLATUBE), which is represented in one of the most relevant elements of the project as it constitutes the main element of singularization of the altar of the chapel.
– On the other hand, the untying of the new uses with respect to the existing uses in the building (commerce) is sought by treating the façade which, while maintaining the white color of the whole, introduces a nuance through a vertical grating achieved by superimposing a cladding with a perforated ribbed architectural profile that allows unifying the entire façade of the premises.

– 一个会议和聚会的空间,完全向公共大道开放,作为其延伸,构成了教堂和房间的总大厅。
– 其余的空间,即房间和食堂,则通过穿孔的外墙饰面作为格子,将其与公共大道隐蔽起来,从而具有更高的隐蔽性和私密性。

The relationship of the interior spaces of the building with the public space is structured in two categories:
– A meeting and gathering space that is totally visually open to the public thoroughfare, conceived as its extension, constitutes the general hall of the chapel and rooms.
– The remaining spaces, that is, rooms and cafeteria, are endowed with a greater degree of seclusion and privacy by concealing them from the public thoroughfare by interposing the perforated façade finish as a latticework.

建筑师:MCEA | Arquitectura
摄影:David Frutos
制造商:Europerfil, K-Line France, Solatube
Architects: MCEA | Arquitectura
Area: 5381 ft²
Year: 2020
Photographs: David Frutos
Manufacturers: Europerfil, K-Line France, Solatube
Country: Spain