自1935年以来,El MORO®一直是墨西哥城日常生活中最受欢迎的形象之一,由于其不可复制的真实性和丰富的口味,它提供了该国首都最好的热巧克力和巧克力饼,使不同的受众着迷。

El MORO® has been one of the most popular images of daily life in Mexico City since 1935, enthralling different audiences due to its unrepeatable authenticity and rich flavor which offers the best hot chocolate and churros in the country’s capital.

了解他们的家庭价值和历史,以便将它们合并并输入到一个新的战略愿景中,是这个项目的指导原则。经典的墙砖成为灵感的主要来源,同时还有彩色玻璃窗和使El MORO®与众不同并使其几代人都感到高兴的产品。

Understanding their family values and history in order to merge and input them into a new strategic vision, was the guiding principle in this project. Classic wall tiles became the main source of inspiration, along with stained glass windows and products that have set El MORO® apart and delighted its customers for generations.


The new graphic system takes into account the figurative relation between such elements and proposes a simplification in form, taking them to their minimalist expression to retain its essence but with a fresher and dynamic form.


This new take on graphism translates into endless compositional possibilities that apply significantly to the brand’s identity, communication, architecture and interiorism.


The chromatic palette, born from the unmistakeable mosaics that gave the brand its personality, are contrasted with a white hue inspired by sugar.


Language and furniture align forming a unique expression, reminiscent of the Golden Age in Mexico when an Art Deco style dominated the city’s poster ads, movies, fonts and architecture providing sufficient graphic elements, symbols and even communication through different artistic means.

因此,创造了一个新的综合概念,在一个新的品牌体验中,将今天的人们与集体的潜意识进行情感上的联系,投射出El MORO®的真正DNA。

Thus, creating a new integrated concept that emotionally connects people today with the collective subconscious in a new brand experience, which projects the true DNA of El MORO®.

Architects: Cadena + Asociados Concept Design
Area : 76 m²
Year : 2015
Photographs :Moritz Bernoully
Manufacturers : La Metropolitana
Furniture : Los Patrones, La Metropolitana
Concept And Brand Experience : Cadena Concept Design
Art Director : Ignacio Cadena
Achitecture : Ignacio Cadena, Alejandro Peña, Constantina de la Garza, Alfredo González
Interior Design : Ignacio Cadena, Alejandro Peña
Graphic Languages : Jay Castruita, Luis Medellín
City : Ciudad de México
Country : Mexico