Eulalia是一个名为 “工业恢复要素 “的系列项目的一部分,这是一个保护城市工业遗产的战略工具。在过去的30年里,马德里市中心的工业活动逐渐减少,最终导致了目前的情况:可预见的消失。财产价值的爆炸性增长,噪音或环境保护措施,以及交通密度等原因,导致工业活动从市中心散居到郊区。因此,城市结构中的工业建筑面临着消亡的危险。

Eulalia is part of a project series called “Elements for industrial recovery” a strategic toolset to protect the city’s industrial heritage. Industrial activity in the center of the city of Madrid has gradually decreased in the last 30 years to end up in the current situation: a foreseeable disappearance. The explosive rise in property value, noise- or environmental protection measures, and traffic density, among other reasons, have led to a diaspora of industrial activity from the city center to the outskirts. Accordingly, industrial buildings in the urban fabric are at risk of extinction.


Industrial activity in the center of the city of Madrid has gradually decreased in the last 30 years to end up in the current situation: a foreseeable disappearance. The explosive rise in property value, noise- or environmental protection measures, and traffic density, among other reasons, have led to a diaspora of industrial activity from the city center to the outskirts. Accordingly, industrial buildings in the urban fabric are at risk of extinction. Current urban planning regulations encourage property owners to change the land use from industrial to residential, which requires a reduction in the usable area, leading to the demolition of part of their properties: the warehouses.


The incentive to make such conversions is provided by the real estate market, which causes the value of the plot to raise up to 4 times its original price when it is transformed into a residential space, mainly prompted by the rental price increase that the city is undergoing in the last years. This situation increasingly condemns the city to a single-use and this typology to disappearance. Our proposals aim to become a strategic toolset to protect the industrial heritage of the city through land-use and occupation alternatives that allow to extend this typology’s life and avoid its demolition.

Eulalia Gil是一个由不同的物体组成的仓库。无人认领的家庭财产的遗留物,被丢弃的家具,状况不佳的书籍,以及许多其他物品。空间更多的是由其内容决定,而不是由其作为容器的功能决定。不自觉地,正是这一条件指导了改造项目:这次的空间是由其新居民的物品收集所塑造的。大幅照片、工作工具、抢救和修复的家具、最近关闭的餐馆的厨房、废弃教堂的长凳、以及不同类型和大小的植物,这些构成他收藏的众多物品中,产生了不同的构图,使空间作为一个大背景运作。

Eulalia Gil was a warehouse of disparate objects. Remains of unclaimed family properties, discarded furniture, books in poor condition, and many other objects. Space is determined more by its content than by its function as a container. Unconsciously it was this condition that guided the renovation project: a space shaped this time by the collection of objects of its new inhabitant. Large-format photographs, work tools, rescued and restored furniture, a kitchen from a recently closed restaurant, a bench from an abandoned church, and plants of different types and sizes, among the many objects that make up his collection, generate different compositions, causing the space to operate as a large background.


In line with this idea, the interventions that do not directly affect the walls and deck are treated as objects that add to this collection. Specifically, a staircase and a gate are developed to connect and isolate a small space of intimacy for the inhabitant. These elements contrast with the rest of the building due to their color, materiality, and shape.


Eulalia focuses on the content rather than the container, centering the experience on the different relationships that these objects establish with each other.

Architects: BURR
Year : 2022
Photographs :Luis Díaz Díaz, Maru Serrano
Construction : Proingenia
Locksmith : Viuda de Ramírez
City : Madrid
Country : Spain