NurseliŞahin于1996年出生于伊斯坦布尔(土耳其)。她是Dokuz Eylul Universty美术系电影设计系的学生。她正试图专注于电影摄影。照片是她感兴趣的一个不可或缺的领域,因为图像的吸引力永远不会为她而结束。她专注于黑白街头摄影。人的生命包含和谐与不相容,好与坏的对立。这个原因让街道变得神秘莫测。因此,Nurseli正在通过摄影发现街道。

Nurseli Şahin was born in İstanbul (Turkey) in 1996. She’s student in the department of Film Design at Dokuz Eylul Universty’s Fine Arts Faculty. She’s trying to specialize in cinematography. Photograph is an indispensable area of interest for her because the attraction of the image is never ending for her. She focused on black and white street photography. Human life contains oppositions like harmony and incompatibility, good and bad. This reason makes the streets mysterious. So Nurseli is discovering the streets with photography.

Author:© Nurseli SAHIN
