西班牙人住在伦敦。讲故事的人相信观察的力量。对于Sergio Texeira来说,摄影是一种全球性的声音,一种表达情感和情绪状态的方式,它也是关于捕捉瞬间并永远拥有它。他的摄影专注于光线以及它如何影响场景。当拍摄高对比度的光线,深色阴影,几何形状和人体轮廓的美感时,构图为他提供了极简主义的方法。

Spanish living in London. Storyteller who believes in the power of observation. For Sergio Texeira, photography is a global voice, a way of expressing emotions and mood states, it’s also about capturing a moment and have it forever. His photography focuses on the light and how it affects the scene. Composition offers him a minimalist approach when capturing high contrast of light, deep shadows, geometry and the beauty of the human silhouette.

Author:© Sergio TEXEIRA
