这要感谢位于旭川的一家在日本北部的木制家具制造商——Conde House的精湛工艺,接缝看起来是无缝的,就像单板被弯曲和交织在一起,就像纸链或织布一样。从货架上看,几乎不可能知道这些部件是如何连接的。

A shelving unit made of interlocking wooden boards oriented to different angles to the left and right.
Thanks to the superior craftsmanship of Conde House, a wood furniture manufacturer in Asahikawa in northern Japan, the joints appear seamless, as though single boards have been bent and interwoven like paper chains or a woven textile. It’s virtually impossible to know, looking at the shelves, how the parts are connected.

Design: Nendo
Photographer : Yoneo Kawabe