
The client’s request was to create a place for people to mingle and co-creation using idle farmland owned in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture. Hearing this, I thought it would be interesting to create a plan that would increase the attractiveness of farmland at a time when more and more young people are starting to live in two locations or start farming.

为了进行这项计划,我认为重要的是要有 “技术上可复制的和廉价的制造”,我把重点放在乙烯基温室上。我们想利用这种元素,它不仅是功能性的和美丽的,而且是透明的和光的,并已成为农田景观的一部分。

In order to proceed with this plan, I thought it was important to have “technically reproducible and inexpensive to make”, and I focused on vinyl greenhouses. We wanted to take advantage of this element, which is not only functional and beautiful, but also transparent and light, and has become a part of the farmland landscape.


By planning the interior with geometric structures that correspond to the modules of the vinyl house, I created a system that allows people to be in their place at the same time as taking advantage of the spaciousness of the vinyl house. Also, by using a transparent and thin membrane as the outer skin, a lively space that is different from ordinary architecture seems to have emerged.

框架是由75毫米的方形红松木制成,地板是由24毫米的结构胶合板制成。框架也被用作线索,让用户可以轻松地安装隔板和屋顶。这个被我们命名为 “GREEN BASE “的地方不仅被用作农业的工作空间,还可以用从周围田地里收获的蔬菜进行烹饪和聚会,在蓝天下举行音乐会,在愉快的树木沙沙声中进行远程工作。在这个新的工作方式受到质疑的时代,如果有第二个可以表达自己的地方,那该有多好,我希望GREEN BASE可以成为一个原型。

The frame is made of 75mm square red pine wood, and the floor is made of 24mm structural plywood. The frame is also used as a clue for users to easily attach partitions and roofs. This place, which we named “GREEN BASE” is not only used as a work space for farming, but also for cooking and partying with vegetables harvested from the surrounding fields, holding concerts under the blue sky, and remote work in the pleasant rustle of trees. In an age where new ways of working are being questioned, how wonderful it would be to have a second place where you can express yourself, and I hope that GREEN BASE can be a prototype for this.

Architects: UENOA
Area: 50 m²
Year: 200
Photographs: Masahiro Lai Arai
Client:Collabworks, Ryuta Nakamura