由Stefano Boeri Architetti设计的 “Hanji House “是一个特定地点的委托展馆,与展览 “Chun Kwang Young: 该展览展示了韩国艺术家Chun Kwang Young在威尼斯的Palazzo Contarini Polignac创作的40件大型桑皮纸浮雕、雕塑和装置。
“韩纸 “是韩国传统造纸技术的名称,源自于桑树,由于其强大的抵抗力,也被称为 “千年之纸”。它也是春哥的主要创作工具,他用它来塑造让人联想到生物的变形生物或具有历史和文化象征意义的壮观场景。

Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the Hanji House is a site-specific commissioned pavilion made in dialogue with the exhibition Chun Kwang Young: Times Reimagined – that features 40 large-scale mulberry-paper reliefs, sculptures, and installations created by the Korean artist Chun Kwang Young, at the Palazzo Contarini Polignac, in Venice.
“Hanji” is the name given to a traditional Korean paper-made technique deriving from mulberry, also known as the “thousand years paper” due to its great resistance. It is also Chun’s prime tool of creation, which he uses to shape metamorphotic creatures reminiscent of living beings or spectacular scenes with historical and cultural symbolism.

安装在宫殿的花园里,俯瞰威尼斯的大运河,汉字屋是一个木制亭子,是 “纸树建筑 “的实用模型,从远处看就像一个灯笼。该设计的灵感来自于以无限的方式折纸的俏皮而又沉思的做法:除了传统的韩国和东亚的房屋,其形状让人想起古代东亚的折纸和七巧板的做法,基于简单的几何模块。它是由一个简单的体积组合而成的:在一个平行四边形的顶部有四个金字塔,在中间定义了一个形状像规则菱形的平面。

Installed in the Palazzo’s gardens, overlooking the Grand Canal in Venice, the Hanji House is a wooden pavilion, a practical model of ‘paper-tree architecture’ and it looks like a lantern from a distance. The design is inspired by the playful and yet meditative practice of folding paper in an infinite number of ways: the shape recalls ancient East Asian practices of paper folding and tangram, besides the traditional Korean and East Asian houses, based on simple geometric modularity. It is made by a simple combination of volumes: four pyramids on the top of a parallelepiped, defining a planar surface shaped like a regular rhombus in the middle.


From the outside, the envelope gives the Hanji House the appearance of a precious and at the same time playful object, a lighthouse to illuminate both the splendid Renaissance architecture in which it is located and the works of art that surround it.

在汉字屋内,媒体艺术家Calvin J. Lee正在开发一个实时互动艺术装置。李将艺术家Chun Kwang Young创作的三角形汉字包转化为虚拟形式。汉字屋内的宁静环境为游客提供了一个沉浸式的空间,让他们放松身心,探索内心,就像在春光英作品的内部穿行。

Inside the Hanji House, a real-time interactive art installation is being developed by media artist Calvin J. Lee. Lee transformed triangular hanji packages created by artist Chun Kwang Young into virtual form. The tranquil environment inside Hanji House offers an immersive space for visitors to unwind and explore their inner selves as if walking through the interior of Chun’s works.

Chun Kwan Young 30年来一直以生命体之间的相互联系及其关系的社会生态价值为主题进行创作。在生态学中,相互联系是所有生物繁衍和生存的绝对因素,也是在任何不利条件下确保生物多样性和提高可持续性的必要条件。

Chun Kwan Young has been working for 30 years under the theme of the interconnectedness between living beings and the socio-ecological values of their relationships. In ecology, interconnectedness is an absolute factor for the reproduction and survival of all living things, as well as an essential for ensuring biodiversity and enhancing sustainability in any adverse conditions.

Architects: Stefano Boeri Architetti
Year : 2022
Photographs :Alice Clancy
Founding Partner : Stefano Boeri
Project Leader : Anastasia Kucherova
Curator : Yongwoo Lee
Curatorial Advisor : Manuela Lucà-Dazio
Promoted By : Boghossian Foundation
Supported By : Museum Ground, Interart Channel
City : Venezia
Country : Italy