Póvoa de Varzim是一个与海洋和渔业有着深刻联系的城市。其丰富的文化内涵成为该项目一个有趣的刺激因素。事实上,这所房子是一个机会,可以让这个城市的一些记忆重新焕发活力,并参与到街道上的各种颜色和材料中。

Póvoa de Varzim is a city profoundly related to the sea and fishing. Its great cultural richness became an interesting stimulus to the project. In fact, the house was an opportunity to revitalize some of the city’s memories and to participate in the panoply of colours and materials that characterise the street.


The house is simple… it is organized in a vertical and hierarchical way. The social areas are on the inferior floors and the private areas on the superior levels. To achieve great visual amplitudes and dynamic interconnections between spaces, the interior was structured in half floors. The width of the plot decided the stair. In fact, it became the heart of the house. A wall painted with Blue Klein emphasizes its importance and continuity through the spaces.

西面的立面由铝制百叶窗覆盖,不仅保护了室内的隔热性能,而且还使房子向一个小花园开放。在东面,房子得到了它的身份。亲切感是由不锈钢板保证的,上面有 “siglas poveiras “的穿孔。这些符号是一种原始的书写系统,曾经作为一种交流方式,用来标记个人和渔业的物品。此外,它们还具有遗传性,构成了重要的家族遗产,通过继承世代相传,并随着新的组合不断发展。

The west facade is covered by aluminum venetian blinds that not only defend the interior from the insulation but also open the house to a small garden. At east, the house gets its identity. The intimacy is guaranteed by stainless steel panels, perforated with the “siglas poveiras”. These symbols are a proto-writing system once used as a way of communication and to mark personal and fishing belongings. Also, they were hereditary and constituted an important family legacy that was transmitted by inheritance through generations, evolving with new combinations.

通过这种方式,这所位于 “Bairro Norte “中心的房子与人们分享了城市的一些记忆和参考,并振兴了已被逐渐遗忘和抛弃的遗产。悄悄地,房子承认了它对这个城市的自豪感。

In this way, the house, in the very centre of “Bairro Norte”, shares some of the city’s memories and references with the population and revitalizes a legacy that has been progressively forgotten and abandoned. Quietly, the house confesses its pride in the city…

Architects: dIONISO LAB
Area: 232 m²
Year: 2010
Country: Portugal