该项目位于墨西哥城西南部的一个住宅区内。Colonia Las Aguilas。该地块的类型特点是不拘一格的建筑,它们共同产生了一个异质的房屋群的形象。该场地是一个不规则的矩形,有两个正面,坡度大于40%。

The project is located within a residential area to the south west of Mexico City: Colonia Las Aguilas. The typology of the site is characterized by eclectic buildings which together generate an image of houses grouped heterogeneously. The site is an irregular rectangle with two fronts and a slope greater than 40%.

该方法解决了一个160平方米的房子,从上面的街道(Buhos)进入,第二个140平方米的房子或公寓,在下面的街道(Loma de Guadalupe)有独立的入口。该项目是基于在物业中心创造一个自由体量的前提下,远离它的近邻,以一种姿态来分离其他建筑的背景异质景观。

The approach addresses a 160m2 house with access from the street above (Buhos) and a second house or apartment of 140m2 with separate entrance on the street below (Loma de Guadalupe). The project is based on the premise of creating a free volume at the center of the property, away from its immediate neighbors, in a gesture that dissociates contextual heterogeneous landscape of the other buildings.


The construction using block and beam and vault slabs creates a constructive game where all elements are apparent. Load-bearing walls and beams dialogue in a game of floors which slide over each other emphasizing the work in compression of the materials. The openings of the house are resolved as breaks in the continuity of the walls and not as volume perforations, thereby establishing an architectural language of presence and absence of the structure.


The project is a set of assembly and composition of the building systems where living spaces are housed in the interstitial void of the structure.

Architects: Ambrosi I Etchegaray
Area : 300 m²
Year : 2011