Escadinhas人行道 “是一个连接建筑、艺术和自然世界的项目。它是一个人行道网络,连接西斯托山的丘陵地区和马托西纽斯的莱卡河岸。该倡议旨在展示低预算项目可以为我们城市中更多 “隐藏 “的、被忽视的城市空间带来的附加值。

‘Escadinhas Footpaths’ is a project that links architecture, art, and the natural world. It is a network of pedestrian footpaths linking the hilly neighborhood of Monte Xisto to the banks of the River Leça in Matosinhos. The initiative is intended to demonstrate the added value that low-budget projects can bring to more ‘hidden’, neglected urban spaces in our cities.

这个过程持续了一年,汇集了一个由建筑师、当地建筑商、艺术家和一个广泛的合作伙伴网络组成的多学科团队。在建筑工程的第一阶段,通往Rua das Escadinhas的台阶被修复,Rua das Escadinhas是连接Monte Xisto西山的上层和下层的一个不寻常的城市装置,被修复。台阶和扶手被修复,公共台阶和毗邻的私人土地之间以长椅的形式建立了新的边界,使台阶可以作为一个休息场所。

Lasting a year, the process brought together a multidisciplinary team of architects, local builders, artists, and an extensive network of partners. In the first phase of the building work, the steps leading to Rua das Escadinhas, an unusual urban device connecting the upper and lower levels of the western hill of Monte Xisto, were rehabilitated. The steps and handrail were repaired and a new boundary between the public steps and the private land adjoining them were created in the form of benches, allowing the stairs to be used as a resting place.

沿着连接台阶脚下和Leça河的路径,一个古老的废墟被重建,并被改造成一个被自然包围的座位区。小规模的干预措施恢复了该场地的原始特征,撤销了多年来进行的不稳定的干预措施。对该场地的精心修复,包括在建筑的每一个 “房间 “里增加长椅,鼓励人们在那里消磨时间,并将其转变为一个社交场所。

Following the path that links the foot of the steps to the River Leça, an old ruin was rebuilt and transformed into a seating area surrounded by nature. Small-scale interventions restored the site’s original character, undoing the precarious interventions carried out over the years. The meticulous rehabilitation of the site, which included adding benches in every ‘room’ in the building, has encouraged people to spend time there and transformed it into a place for socializing.

这个项目由INSTITUTO推动,由Paulo Moreira architectures设计,与Verkron合作,在Bairros Saudáveis倡议的框架下,也得到了InResidence / Ágora – Cultura e Desporto和União de Freguesias – Custóias, Leça do Balio e Guifões的支持。

This project was promoted by INSTITUTO and designed by paulo moreira architectures, with Verkron, in the framework of Bairros Saudáveis initiative, also with support by InResidence / Ágora – Cultura e Desporto and União de Freguesias – Custóias, Leça do Balio e Guifões.

Architects: Paulo Moreira Architectures, Verkron Art Collective
Area : 6458 ft²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Ivo Tavares Studio
Team : Paulo Moreira, Hemak Verkron, Irad Verkron, Carlos Gomes, Joyceline Teixeira, Raquel Pais, Oona Philomena Wächter, Oscar Larfeuille, Sami Sahli, Sofia Paganelli
Local Builders : José Silva, Fábio Silva
Arte : Verkron
City : Matosinhos
Country : Portugal