萨瓜罗,一种只生长在索诺兰沙漠的巨型仙人掌,是美国西南部的一个一眼就能认出的形象。它令人难以置信的独特形式很容易辨认,甚至在剪影中也能看到它的影子,而且,对当地人来说,这种雄伟的植物的美已经超越了它的形式。它是凤凰城建筑公司The Ranch Mine设计 “Pleats “房屋的灵感来源,该公司以其现代庭院式房屋而闻名,是城市和沙漠生活的理想选择。这座房子的故事始于十多年前,是房主设定长期目标并有耐心和动力去实现它的一个光辉典范。

The Saguaro, a giant cactus that grows only in the Sonoran Desert, is an instantly recognizable figure of the American Southwest. Its incredibly distinctive form is easily identifiable, even shadowed in silhouette, and, for locals, the beauty of this majestic plant goes beyond its form. It is the inspiration of the design of the “Pleats” house by Phoenix based architecture firm The Ranch Mine, renowned for their modern courtyard houses that are ideal for urban, desert living. The story of this house starts over a decade ago and is a shining example of homeowners setting a long-term goal and having the patience and drive to achieve it.

2007年,房主偶然发现了位于完美 “角落 “的完美房产,它坐落在山地保护区的南部和凤凰城北部。该房产离沙漠不到一英里,离梦幻画卷山地保护区只有两英里,是与他们的两只救命狗Diesel和Buster一起探险的理想场所。只有一个问题–房子。从他们搬进来的那天起,他们的目标就是改造房子以适应他们的生活方式–现代而温暖,实用而新颖,简约而诱人。他们知道,有了合适的房子,有了他们喜欢的邻居,他们最终会把房子变成他们的家,并在未来的许多年里都是如此。

In 2007, the homeowners stumbled upon the perfect property in the perfect “nook” nestled just south of a mountain preserve and north of uptown Phoenix. The property was located less than a mile from the desert and two from Dreamy Draw Mountain Preserve, a perfect place for exploring with their two rescue dogs, Diesel and Buster. There was just one problem– the house. From the day they moved in, their goal was to remodel the house to fit their lifestyle– modern yet warm, functional yet original, minimalist yet inviting. They knew that with the right house, one that they loved as much as the neighborhood, they’d finally make the house their home for many years to come.

据房主说,”我们只需要找到合适的合作伙伴,让他们看到可能的东西,而不是过去的东西。我们找到了他们”。在经历了十年的量入为出和在经济大萧条中省吃俭用之后,房主带着适度的预算和巨大的梦想找到了The Ranch Mine。从概念上讲,设计是一个围绕着游泳池的3面院子。为了省钱,原来房子的地基被重新使用,空间被重新设计以适应卧室,包括以前缺乏的主人套房。

According to the homeowners, “We just needed to find the right partner with the vision to see what could be, not what was. We found them.” After a decade of living below their means and surviving the Great Recession saving every penny they could, the homeowners reached out to The Ranch Mine with a modest budget and big dreams. Conceptually, the design is a 3-sided courtyard surrounding a pool. To save money, the foundation of the original house was reused and the space was redesigned to fit the bedrooms, including a master suite that was lacking before.

增加了一个新的、具有高天花板的屋檐体量,以吸收山景,并提供一个开放的、室内外的大房间,有一个穿孔的金属天井盖,以缓解从强大的、阳光照射的外部到内部的过渡。高大的屋檐为庭院增加了额外的遮阳,使其免受下午强烈阳光的影响。 然后,一个两车位的车库和车间被一直塞到房子后面,完成了三面的院子。

A new, gabled volume with high ceilings was added to take in mountain views and provide an open, indoor-outdoor great room with a perforated metal patio cover to ease the transition from the strong, sunlit exterior to the interior. The tall roof of the gable adds additional shade to the courtyard from the intense afternoon sun. A 2 car garage and workshop was then tucked all the way behind the house, completing the 3-sided courtyard.

在美学上,房子的外观采用了萨瓜罗仙人掌的元素。房子的名字是 “褶皱”,来自于包裹着屋檐的金属波纹,让人联想到仙人掌的褶皱外观。坡面入口处的木质雨幕图案让人联想到仙人掌的分叉肋骨,而凹陷的入口处则类似于萨瓜罗靴,即许多沙漠动物将巨大的仙人掌作为它们的家。在凹陷的入口处,一个伪装的门提供了直接进入客人套房的机会。

Aesthetically, the exterior of the house adopts elements of the Saguaro Cactus. The house draws its name, “Pleats,” from the corrugated metal that wraps the gabled volume, reminiscent of the pleated exterior of the cactus. The gabled entry features a patterned, wood rainscreen that evokes the forked ribs of the cactus, while the recessed entry is akin to a Saguaro boot, the holes in the giant cacti that many desert animals use as their homes. In the recessed entry, a camouflaged door provides direct entry in the guest suite.

在室内,客户希望 “中世纪现代风格与工业影响相结合,并带有现代欧洲硬件和设计的气息”。为了满足这一要求,五金件、固定装置和电器都选择了简洁的欧式设计,而胡桃木橱柜、重点照明和家具等饰面则增加了一些中世纪的气息。混凝土地板、厨房的不锈钢台面和穿孔钢制天井盖都体现了工业化的美感。

In the interior, the clients wanted “mid-century modern combined with industrial influences with a touch of modern European hardware and design.” To meet this request, the hardware, fixtures and appliances were chosen for their clean and European design, while finishes like walnut cabinetry, accent lighting, and furniture added some Mid-century flair. Concrete floors, a stainless steel countertop in the kitchen, and perforated steel patio cover embraced the industrial aesthetic.

萨瓜罗仙人掌每年只长一英寸,而且通常在75年内不会长出使其具有标志性的手臂。专注的耐心往往会得到回报,这个家现在张开双臂拥抱着它的社区,欢迎他们进入靴子的庇护。 房主说’褶皱’是 “我们向所有朋友和家人开放的第一个家,因为我们非常自豪地称它为家!”

The Saguaro cactus only grows about an inch a year, and typically doesn’t sprout the arms that make its iconic form for 75 years. Patience with focus is often rewarded and this home now embraces its community with open arms, welcoming them into the shelter of the boot. The homeowners say ‘Pleats’ is “the first home we’ve opened up to all friends and family because we’re so proud to call it home!”

Architects : The Ranch Mine
Area : 1850 ft²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Roehner + Ryan
Manufacturers : AutoDesk, MOEN, Caesarstone, Graff, Kwikset, Miele, Windsor, Gilsa, Trimble
Builder : Boxwell Homes
City : Phoenix
Country : United States