
The project arose from the briefing of the young couple that the apartment needed to have an industrial style, but without losing the coziness of a house, with a cozy touch.
Ah, one of the requirements was that there should be no plaster lining. The higher the better!


From these requests we thought of a wide plan with light colors, neutral coverings, but with some touches of color. For the environments, little furniture, leaving the plan as clean as possible, but without losing the charm. A play between industrial and cozy gave this project a unique identity.
With very contemporary traces, that are broken and deconstructed with an old object and other colorful ones.


In the plan, we moved more in the area of the bathrooms and kitchen. Where in the original plan there was only one bathroom. We transformed the only bathroom into a toilet, a guest bathroom and a suite, also using the maid’s room.

在厨房里,我们用烧焦的水泥做的台面占据了三面墙,让它变得很宽。而在分隔厨房和客厅的墙上,我们开了一扇 “窗户”。使之与3米长的餐桌相融合和统一。

In the kitchen, we left it ample with a countertop in burnt cement covering three walls. And in the wall that divides the kitchen from the living room, we opened a “window”. Making the integration and unifying with the 3m long dining table.


In the living room, we have a concrete bench taking almost the entire length of the wall, where the bench becomes a rack, shelf and bookcase, organizing some books.
In the end the industrial white and gray became an aggregator of charm!

Architects: Breves Arquitetura
Area: 120 m²
Year: 2014
Manufacturers: Flooring – porcelain tiles, Metro White Coating.