
This project is located in a corner that opens onto two streets and an outdoor community courtyard. The courtyard, before the renovation, had no direct connection to the bar and was accessed from the street. Now, with the reform, a shoring is created on the facade with two horizontal UPN steel beams in order to achieve the maximum opening and to generate permeability and better lighting. The intervention, with the removal of the false ceilings, reveals the existing structure. A concrete portico structures the space in three areas: the bar and entrance area, the kitchen and toilets and the courtyard outside.


The bar and the entrance is the space that acts as a threshold between the street and the central space of the bar. The ceiling with hanging plants and the furniture in the shape of round tables gives a fresh, festive and relaxed atmosphere. The kitchen and toilets are located in a space that is built as a container of the service areas: kitchen, storage cabinets and toilets. For this piece of furniture, a light framework of pine wood has been used, achieving a relationship between the interior and the exterior by the use of doors, openings and windows to improve habitability. The space is transformed thanks to a system of folding tables that are easily folded, achieving an open space for events, parties and exhibitions. The backyard works as a second threshold between the street and the interior of the bar.

一个带有落叶植被的大型凉棚,让你在夏天可以享受美好的阴凉,在冬天可以享受阳光。不同尺寸和几何形状的家具创造了一个共存的空间,大人和孩子都能在这里找到自己的空间。拆除后的碎料被用于铺装,作为一种 “砾石”,回收利用废物,使其得到利用,并节省了项目的最终成本。

A large pergola with deciduous vegetation allows you to enjoy a nice shade in summer and sunshine in winter. The furniture of different dimensions and geometries creates a space for coexistence where both adults and children find their space. Crushed material from the demolition has been used for the paving, as a sort of “gravel”, recycling the waste giving it a use and saving the final cost of the project.

建筑师:Arjub Studio
面积:45 m²
摄影师:Alba Rodríguez
首席建筑师:Anna Castellà,Freddy León
客户:Gerard Sànchez
结构:Gemma Humbert
Architects: Arjub Studio
Area: 45 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs:Alba Rodríguez
Lead Architects:Anna Castellà, Freddy León
Client:Gerard Sànchez
Structure:Gemma Humbert