
A Meeting Place
In order to create a sports centre that invites people to excel, Microclimat imagined a large open space on two levels that allows all the services and facilities for body-builders, gymnasts and fitness enthusiasts to be united under one roof. The combination of red cedar, cherry wood and steel helps create a warm and inviting space that lends itself to the members’ sense ofbelonging.


Attention to Detail
Every element of the project was conceived for those who use the centre: from the mezzanine’s structure that supports the horizontal bars, to the wide stairway that can also be used for training, and the roof where the gymnasts’ rings are attached, allowing athletes to hang 25 feet in the air.


The compact form of the new building reduces the size of the foundations and of the outside walls, freeing up a large part of the property and creating an outdoor training zone. In summer, large sliding glass doors can link the indoor and outdoor activities.

当La Taule在2015年春天落成时,人们可以感受到当地居民和该中心的未来用户的自豪感。每个人都高兴地注意到,当地的企业家选择在他们的地区投资,使这个项目成为现实,他们也为这个耐用和优雅的建筑的质量做出了贡献,它在滑铁卢的这一部分发展中起到了积极的作用。

Local Pride
When La Taule was inaugurated in the spring of 2015, one could sense the pride of local residents and future users of the centre. Everyone was pleased to note that local entrepreneurs had chosen to invest in their area to bring this project to life, and that they had also contributed to the quality of this durable and elegant building, which plays an active role in developing this part of Waterloo.

除了成为2015年Grands Prix du Design竞赛健身中心类别的冠军,La Taule还被提名为2015年魁北克省建筑师协会商业和办公建筑类别的卓越建筑奖的入围者。

As well as being the winner of the Grands Prix du Design 2015 competition in the fitness centre category, La Taule was also named as finalist for the 2015 architectural excellence prize by the Ordre des architectes du Québec for the commercial and office building category.

La Taule体育中心的名字来自于一个废弃的前监狱,在2010年被改造成了一个健身中心。2014年,创始人在滑铁卢的一个发展区购买了一处房产,以便建造一个更适合该中心客户活动的中心:精英和业余运动员。

La Taule sports centre takes its name from an abandoned former prison that was transformed into a fitness centre in 2010. In 2014, the founder purchased a property in a developing sector of Waterloo in order to build a centre better suited to the activities of the centre’s clientele: both elite and amateur athletes.

Architects: Architecture Microclimat
Area: 4200 ft²
Year: 2015
Photographs: Adrien Williams