身赴异域洞穴探秘,地中海畔徜徉,绿洲中游走,或是在色彩浓烈的哈瓦那艳阳下点燃雪茄、喝杯mojito肆意谈笑 —— 这是当代潮人崇尚的生活图景,也似乎是许多习惯了全球飞行、穿梭于不同文化区间的群体日常写照。然而在过去的两年中,似乎一切都被按下了暂定键。但在被迫困于当下的两年中,人们却从未像今天这样认真地思考自然与生命,热切地盼望与之产生最原初、最自在的联结。 这便是设计师林琮然在创作起初的感性意向,也是他为西餐厅兰巴赫LENBACH ROOF 位所拟定的基调 —— 一座充满生命力的城市绿洲。在拥有天台的北京旗舰店中,他将地中海洞窟、哈瓦那蓝自然融合,创造出多元文化的异域感受,也在城市上空创造了一处生机盎然地聚合之所,来自生命源头的远古意向。

Diving into the ocean caves, reaching out to the sky oasis
Exploring in the exotic cave, wandering around the Mediterranean island, walking through the oasis, or the Havana blue that lighting up the cigar, sipping Mojito and laughing around——this is how the modern people’s life look like, seemingly like a daily reflection on those people who used to travel around the world, shuttling among different culture zones. However, in the past two years, seemingly everything has been put on a pulse button, people has never been considering life and nature so seriously and looking forward to have a deeply connection with it’s originality and comfort-ability.
This is how the architect C.R. Lin that was initially inspired and sets up the tone for the restaurant——A vibrant city oasis that is full of life and character. In LENBACH ROOF Beijing, C.R. Lin blends the Mediterranean in with the natural Havana blue, creating a multicultural exotic experience, as well as creating a vibrant gathering place over the city, tracing back to the ancient life.


The restaurant sits on top of the shopping mall and the designer wants to shift customers’mood on inserting a long corridor. The process of going from the retail lower ground to the top of the building, also a transition from the hustle and bustle city life to the ancient gravitational field. The overall space is divided into an indoor open dining space, central bar, surrounding seating car-seat, a sun porch and an outdoor opening garden dinning area.

人们进入室内用餐区后,视觉中心自然会落在中央那联结“天地”的“生命之树” 上。这个位于不规则圆形吧台的柱状“树干”透露出琥珀的本色,枝干自然地伸展蔓延,在夜间更像是一株充满生命原力的火炬。围坐于这个支撑整体空间的能量聚点,无论把咖啡闲聊还是把酒言欢,交流围绕这个耀目的生命体下,仿佛回荡出了迷人的时光香气。

When people entering into the indoor dining area, the visual line would naturally fall on the “Heaven and earth”that connected with the “Tree of Life”. This irregularly cylindrical “Tree trunk”reveals the true nature of amber, with branches extending and spreading naturally, more like a torch was brimming with the life force at night. Gathering around the energy point, no matter doing the coffee chat or alcohol drinking, all under this dazzling living creature, as if echoing to the charming aroma of life.


Seafloor Cavern & Exotic Time
The indoor overall dining area is naturally connected with the “abyssal cave”,the irregular soft curve divides the ceiling and ground into different areas, gathering around into a various of shapes, naturally dividing into different dining experiences. The intention of the ancient civilization, such as caves, domes, murals are all placed in the space. The pace is full of the regional atmosphere, enabling the dinners sit there, enjoying the subtle mood changes, then relaxing in this quiet atmosphere that is created by the dotted source of light which is surrounded by the best food, wine and joyful time.

相对于当下流行的侘寂风当中,以使用单一材料和极为严谨地方式布局计算出的禅寂感,兰巴赫几乎是以反其道而行成的方式触达了另一种缤纷感。兰巴赫室内空间中使用的材料非常丰富,光是地面就使用了拼花磨石子、实木地板、碎拼大理石、 鹅卵石地面、拼花马赛克等多材料组合,最终呈现出像是一幅拼贴艺术画一样的视觉感官。

R. Lin said:”It’s a sense of familiarity that is embedded in the DNA, people would enjoy the interaction with the ancient space and having a memorable precious moment here.”
Compared with the current Wabi Sabi trend which only on the application of the simple materials or following a very discreet way to calculate the design layout. However, Lenbach Roof goes to the contrary that has reached to another kind of riotous feeling. The interior material that Lenbach Roof used is quite rich, the ground alone has a combination of mosaic grindstone, solid wood flooring, crushed marble, cobblestone flooring, mosaic etc., as a result, presenting out a visual sensation that resembles a collage of an artistic work.


On the design combination, there is no deliberately transition or division point, but just following up on different area’ characteristics to develop. Therefore, making it close to the nature and spreading out through the organic sea, eventually, busting out on colors and passion.

穿过温暖而丰富的用餐区,当打开通往户外平台的门,阳光之下则是一片炫目耀眼的哈瓦那蓝。 从远古意向到城市绿洲,从安全自在到肆意奔放,设计师与兰巴赫似乎想要将过往两年人们所历经的长久压抑,在一次体验中全部释放,将所有不安与焦虑交付给哈瓦那的色彩与艳阳。这一抹蓝色的灵感来自于文学家笔下的那一片海,如同慵懒午后沙滩边上的阳光房,情人在这的絮语绵绵,使得室内外有某种暧昧的过渡关系。介于内外之间的蓝,让氛围也由暗到明,让人打开门有种豁然开朗的愉悦。

Going through the warm and rich dining area, opening up the outdoor gate, Havana blue shines under the sunshine. From the ancient city to the urban oasis, from safety to unrestrained space, as the designer wishes to help people release their pressure instantly from the suffer of the past two years during people’s stay and let their restlessness and anxiety handled over by the sun of Havana blue. The color was inspired by the poetic sea, resembling to the lazy sunny afternoon on the beach, while seeing lovers chatting, the space has made a progress on successfully transferred the ambiguity between the inside out. Lying in the blue, making the atmosphere changing from dark to bright, triggering people to come inside with a sudden cheerful mood.
“In a city like Beijing, a roof terrace is a rare free space. With the creation of a passionate roof garden with Havana blue, bringing the whole city with a never ending pas de deux show which makes people excitedly.

Interior/FF&E/Lighting Design:CROX
Interior Area: 1500㎡
Rooftop Garden Area: 1087㎡
Photography:Hu Wenkit
Design Team: C. R. Lin、Duan Meichen、Wan Ruojia,Dmitry Seregin 、Huang Peigeng、Zhu Sihan、Li Benjia、Xu Chenxiang、Gu Bowen、Chen Weixi、Liu Lin、Cao Wei、Sun Yuting
Main Materials: solid wood flooring、grindstone、real stone varnish、cobblestone flooring、wood floor 、mosaic