隐藏在东京后街的极简设计餐厅。Markʼs Tokyo是一家餐厅,在这里你可以享受到在意大利菜中加入日本香料制作的原创菜肴,这也是主厨Mark的根。位于东京目黑市中心附近的一条安静的街道上,要求让所有的客人感觉是在马克的厨房里吃饭。

Minimal design restaurant hidden in the backstreets of Tokyo. Mark ʼs Tokyo is a restaurant where you can enjoy original dishes made by adding Japanese spices to Italian cuisine, which is the root of Chef Mark. Located on a quiet street just off the downtown area of Meguro, Tokyo and required to make all guests feel like they are eating in Markʼs kitchen,


Since We think that the food and the chef and the guest are the main characters in this space, We decided to make it a simple structure without too much excessive decoration, and that gives the space the spice of Japanese by the blank space. By making the best use of the existing walls and softly partitioning the elongated space, we have created a space such as a private space and a tiny Japanese garden-like approach while being a distance where you can communicate with the chef.


For The edges of the walls, the tables and shelves, we select wood types with a warm color, and by manually processing the curved surfaces at each end, we give it a presence as furniture instead of fixture, giving the space a home-like texture. In addition, the warm light like flames created by reflecting light on the custom-made copper also contributes to the creation of a cozy space.

Architects : Kenta Nagai Studio
Area : 36 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Kenta Hasegawa
Lead Architect : Kenta Nagai
Architects : Kenta Nagai Studio
City : Meguro City
Country : Japan