愿景 – SC夫人的房子展示了功能性、可持续性和现代设计的完美融合,充分体现了 “新城市甘榜 “的概念。客户在20世纪60年代长大,他曾回忆起新加坡的老式甘榜,在那里,繁茂的树叶中的attap房子是很常见的。这种 “自然中的房子 “也符合新加坡 “自然中的城市 “的广泛愿景,并利用了房子靠近国家中央自然保护区的位置。此外,由于新加坡只有约10%的住宅是有地的,客户希望房子能发挥有地生活的所有潜力,而这是公寓生活所不能实现的。这座房子的愿景是重新塑造一种与社会和环境相联系的生活模式,同时创造性地满足客户的家人和客人的实用需求。最终的产品是一栋包含四层楼的土地生活的房子,在一块具有挑战性的小地块上创造了非凡的价值。

Vision – The House of Mdm SC showcases the perfect blend of functionality, sustainability, and modern design, fully encapsulating the concept of ‘new urban kampong’. Having grown up in the 1960s, the client had reminisced about Singapore’s old kampongs where sights of attap houses amidst luxuriant foliage were commonplace. This ‘house in nature’ is also in line with Singapore’s broad vision of ‘a city in nature and taps into the house’s location near the country’s central nature reserve. In addition, with only about 10% of Singapore’s residential property being landed, the client wanted a house that exploits all the potential of landed living that cannot be achieved with condominium living. The vision for this house is to typologically recast a socially and environmentally connected mode of living while creatively fulfilling the pragmatic needs of the client’s family and guests. The final product is a house that embraces land living on four stories, creating exceptional value on a small plot of land with challenging features.

场地 – 其中一个挑战是,房子坐落在一块梯形的小土地上,坐落在新加坡两个自然保护区之间的一个安静但密集的住宅区。这个不规则形状的地块也有不均匀的坡度,被巧妙地处理成了一个半地下室,并提高了一楼的高度。这使得房子可以利用夹层进行分段变化,根据所需的私密程度,编排一系列具有不同自然光照射的空间。在新加坡的土地房产中,隐私是一个问题,因为从一栋房子的侧墙到下一栋房子的侧墙的距离通常是4米。为了最大限度地增加房屋内的光线和空气,同时不让邻居近距离地调查室内情况,定制设计的穿孔屏风板环绕着房屋的私人区域。白天,穿孔屏风确保内部空间无法从外面看到,同时又为里面的人提供了外部的视野,就像他们透过花边的面纱看到的一样。到了晚上,穿孔屏风使房子像一个美丽的灯笼一样发光。通过克服场地轮廓的限制,该项目能够利用场地的其他优点–周围的广阔视野、丰富的自然光、风的流动和鸟的宁静。通过与供应商的深入协商,开发了无窗防虫网和自动百叶窗的先锋系统,将雨水和害虫阻挡在外。这些保护性但可渗透的外墙屏风从外观上统一了建筑群,同时允许光线和空气自由进入其内部。

Site – One of these challenges was that the house sits on a small trapezoidal plot of land nestled in a quiet but dense residential neighborhood located between two nature reserves in Singapore. The irregularly shaped site, which also had an unevenly sloping profile, was deftly manipulated to produce a semi-basement and to raise the height of the first floor. This allowed the house to vary sectionally using mezzanine levels to choreograph a series of spaces with differentiated natural-light exposures according to the levels of privacy needed. Privacy in Singapore’s landed property is an issue as the distance from the side walls of one house to that of the next house is typically 4m. To maximize the amount of light and air in the house without neighbors being able to investigate the interior at close proximity, custom-designed perforated screen panels wrap around the private areas of the house. During the day, the perforated screens ensure that the interior spaces cannot be seen from the outside, while simultaneously providing those inside with a view of the exterior as if they were looking through a lacy veil. At night, the perforated screens make the house glow like a beautiful lantern. By overcoming the constraints of the site’s profile, the project was able to tap into the other merits of the site – sweeping views of its surrounding, abundance of natural light, access to wind flow, and serenading by birds. Rain and pests are kept at bay through a pioneering system of windowless insect screens and automated blinds that was developed through intensive consultation with suppliers. These protective but permeable facade screens sculpturally unify the compound from the exterior while allowing light and air to freely enter its interior.

空间+自然–与自然敏感相处的美德通过项目的开放式设计体现出来,该设计利用景观设计来调节空间。从为果树、蕨类植物和其他植物提供基地的室内和室外花园,到点缀每间卧室及其套间浴室的种植床和迷你禅宗花园,迷宫般的绿色植物以不同的规模和形式贯穿整座房子。 室外花园有透明的边界围栏,从最高层 “层叠 “到外部人行道,将绿色植物 “溢出 “房屋,为路人创造了一个意想不到但受欢迎的自然绿洲。由于植物的普遍存在,有必要将光线引入房屋的内部,通过精心布置的天窗、高高的天窗和全高的玻璃窗来实现。室内区域不是通过不透明的分隔物来定义的,而是通过精心设置的元素来定义的,因此所有的空间都明显地相互关联,产生了一系列从公共到私人、从白天到夜晚的动态过渡时刻,凝聚成一个相互联系的整体。

Space + Nature – The virtue of living sensitively with nature is manifested through the project’s open-plan design that conditions space using landscaping. The labyrinthian greenery threads through the entire house in different scales and formats – from the indoor and outdoor gardens that provide the base for fruit trees, ferns, and other plants, to the planting beds and mini-Zen gardens that punctuate every bedroom and its ensuite bathroom. The outdoor gardens, with their see-through boundary fences, ‘cascades’ from the highest floor down to the external footpath, ‘spilling’ greenery out of the house and creating an unexpected but welcomed oasis of nature to passersby. The pervasive presence of plants necessitates the deliberate introduction of light into the interior of the house, achieved through thoughtfully positioned skylights, high clerestories, and full-height glass windows. Interior areas are defined not through opaque separations but carefully situated elements, so that all spaces visibly interrelate, producing a dynamic array of transitional moments from public to private, day to night, that coalesce into a connected whole.


Due to the trapezoidal shape of the site, living spaces were organized as rectilinear functional zones arranged around a triangular circulation core. The sense of the expansiveness of landed living is evident on every floor, with the interior of every floor interacting with its exterior and with nature in general. This interaction with nature permeates through all levels of the house as a coherent theme. Looking from anywhere in the house, there is always an omnipresent view of nature, from a multi-tiered garden that delightfully winds around the exterior to the triangular vertical circulation core in the interior that has, on one side, a vast vertical wall spanning all levels of the house, serving as the ideal backdrop for the family’s extensive collection of artworks by emerging Southeast Asian artists.

当人们走近房子时,自然的普遍性立即显现出来。穿过一个电动车充电车门廊,同时也是一个1/4大小的篮球场,人们从地下室的主门进入房子,迎面而来的是一个狭窄的花园,延伸到房子的整个深度。郁郁葱葱的线性花园随着土地的上升坡度向房子后面移动,最终形成一个小型的露天空间,里面有大量的蕨类植物和混凝土台阶,让人想起一个小型的禅宗花园。直线花园的对面是一个高天花板的工作区–工作室–图书馆的综合体,可以转化为一个创业公司的办公室。四个工作隔间作为家庭的 “办公室”,而休息区,在一个三座沙发和一张乒乓球大小的桌子前摆放着一台智能电视,可用于工作展示和讨论。在办公区上方有一个图书馆阁楼,里面摆放着几代人收藏的书架,提供了个人的休息空间。当COVID-19大流行病的早期阶段,在封锁期间严格执行在家工作时,这种工作空间-工作室-图书馆的综合体特别有用–这也是这所房子能够适应其居民生活方式的一个例子。

The pervasiveness of nature is immediately apparent as one approaches the house. After passing through an EV charging car porch that also doubles as a 1⁄4 size basketball court, one enters the house from the main door in the basement to be greeted by the sight of a narrow garden that stretches the full depth of the house. The lush linear garden rises as one moves towards the back of the house following the upwards slope of the land and culminates in a small open-air space with big ferns and concrete steps reminiscent of a mini-Zen Garden. Opposite the linear garden is a high-ceiling workspace-studio-library complex that can be converted into a startup office. Four work cubicles serve as the family’s ‘office’, while the lounge area, hosting a smart TV in front of a three-seater sofa and a table-tennis-sized table, can be used for work presentations and discussions. A library loft, enclosing shelves of collections built up across generations hovers above the office space, and offers personal respite. This workspace-studio-library complex was particularly useful when work-from-home was strictly enforced during lockdowns in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic – an example of how this house was able to adapt to the lifestyles of its residents.


Progressing upwards, each floor can be accessed either by the staircase along the party wall or a lift. On the first floor, a piano-and-violin corner flows seamlessly into a sprawling living and dining area that continues into the front garden and connects back to the rear garden via an elevated lightweight path passing by a guest room. A Silver Trumpet Tree thrives in the front garden, while blue peas, papayas, bananas, and other miscellaneous vegetables grow in the back garden. The second floor, where the family quarter resides, is similarly bordered by a front garden, where a Yellow Cow Wood tree grows, and a back garden, and has its own island dining table adjoining a cozy living center. On the third floor, there is a gym, barbecue pit, a jacuzzi, and a small but productive herb garden cultivating rosemary, mints, lady’s fingers, and other plants that supplement food for the kitchen.

在每一层楼,每一个套间浴室都是一个小型的禅宗花园。一个中心的厕所是有角度的,面对着一个悬挂的艺术品。一个定制的架子承载着绿色植物的夹层,为厕所加冕,并在架子的底部存放着备用的卫生卷纸。浴帘在环形轨道上自由运行,关闭后形成 “活 “的禅宗灯笼,周围是生长在地板上的植物,围绕着淋浴区。一个长方形的落地绿植花盆和墙壁上的黑色金属毛巾和衣服架进一步突出了禅宗主题,这些都是功能性的 “艺术”。花园和花盆都安装了半自动灌溉系统,可以通过智能手机应用程序调整浇水量。为了确保各层的植物都能得到充足的阳光,除了在一些区域战略性地使用种植照明外,连接底层和屋顶的开放式楼梯间让自然光照射进来,从房子的任何地方都可以毫无障碍地看到所有的室内和室外花园。这四个故事组合在一起,构成了一个家庭住宅,庆祝生命和培育生命的兴趣,以活生生的绿色植物为基础。如果不是Kimen–开发商、业主、建筑师、室内设计师、建筑商和其他合作伙伴之间的积极和个人合作,这样一个独特的项目是不会实现的。

On each floor, every ensuite bathroom is a mini-Zen garden in its own right. A centerpiece WC is angled to face a hanging artwork. A customized shelf carrying an entablature of greenery coronates the WC and stores a reserve of toilet rolls at the bottom of the shelf. Shower curtains run freely on circular tracks, closing to form ‘living’ Zen lanterns that are surrounded by plants growing on the floor all around the shower area. The Zen theme is further accentuated by a rectangular planter of floor-height greenery and black metal racks for towels and clothes on the walls that provide functional ‘art’. Gardens and planters are fitted with a semi-auto-irrigation system that can adjust the amount of watering by using a smartphone app. To ensure that plants at all levels get adequate sunlight, besides the strategic use of grow lighting in some areas, the open stairwell that links the ground floor through the rooftop lets in natural light and allows for unobstructed views of all the indoor and outdoor gardens from anywhere in the house. These four stories come together to compose a family home that celebrates the life and the nurturing of life’s interests, grounded by the presence of living greenery. Such a unique project would not have been realized if not for the active and personal collaboration among Kimen – the developer, the owner, architects, interior designers, builders, and other partners.

Architects: JL Architects, LST Architects, Spatial Anatomy
Area: 836 m²
Year: 2022
Photographs:Fabian Ong
Structural Engineers: Portwood & Associates
M&E Engineers: Shanghai Chong Kee Furniture & Construction Pte Ltd
Construction: Shanghai Chong Kee Furniture & Construction Pte Ltd
Interior Contractors: Shanghai Chong Kee Furniture & Construction Pte Ltd
Landscape Construction: Greendot Creation
Chief Architect: Jerry Lee & Anson Ho
Client / Developer: Mdm SC / Kimen Group
Design Team: Jerry Lee & Anson Ho
Supervision: Jerry Lee & Anson Ho
Interior Designer: Calvin Chua
Country: Singapore