这座 “码头别墅 “的建造目的是为了让帆船在平时和周末的时候住在这里。另一种用途是由客户,一对来自圣保罗的年轻夫妇提出的。

The “pier house” was built to house a sailboat during the week and its owners during the weekends. The alternate usage was suggested by the clients, a young couple from São Paulo.

方案是将房子分成两部分。第一个是一个用粉刷覆盖的实心盒子,它的 “muxarabi “窗户可以过滤光线,并允许永久通风。它是该地区典型的建筑方法的结果,是殖民时代遗留下来的。

The proposal was to divide the house in two volumes. The first one is a solid box covered with whitewash, and its “muxarabi” windows filter the light and allow permanent ventilation. It is the result of the region’s typical construction method, a legacy from colonial times.


The second one was constructed with metal tile and pre-fabricated wood structure. This building has profited from the construction’s industrialization in order to dispense the building site and thus avoid the environmental impact.

场地中的房屋情况已被两个前提所限定:为了船的进入和保存雨林茂密的植被,需要靠近水面。场地位于RJ的Saco do Mamanguá,是一个热带峡湾,只有在没有动力的情况下才能乘船进入,是失落的天堂的典型。在这种情况下,房子是 “高贵的野蛮人 “的想法与现代 “机器的悼词 “一起墩。

The house situation in the site has been defined by two premises: the need for proximity to water in order to the boat to enter and preserve the dense vegetation of rainforest. The site is in the Saco do Mamanguá, RJ, a tropical fjord accessible only by boat without power, the very archetype of lost paradise. In this context, the house is pier together the idea of the “noble savage” with modern “eulogy of the machine”.

就像一艘帆船,自然与人类和谐的诗意象征,目前,码头的房子是一个超复杂和绿色设计的主题,是 “自然人 “的房子,利用了技术进步的可持续效益。

Like a sailboat, poetic symbol of harmony between nature and human condition and, currently, subject of an ultra-sophisticated and green design, the pier house is the house of the “natural man” that makes use of sustainable benefits of technological advance.

建筑师:Mariana Simas, a GR a u
面积 : 60 m²
摄影:Pedro Vannucchi
制造商:Arcelor Mittal, Deca, Perfilor, Tigre
项目组:Gabriel R. Grinspum, Mariana Simas, Isabel Sperry
建造者:Luciênio Costa
造型 : Fabio Pileckas Gionco
培训生:Isabel Sperry
城市 : 帕拉提
Architects: Mariana Simas, a GR a u
Area: 60 m²
Year: 2008
Photographs: Pedro Vannucchi
Manufacturers: Arcelor Mittal, Deca, Perfilor, Tigre
Project Team:Gabriel R. Grinspum, Mariana Simas, Isabel Sperry
Constructor:Luciênio Costa
Modelling:Fabio Pileckas Gionco
Trainee:Isabel Sperry