

The project is a reflection on memory: the pass of time and the evolution of architecture…

The proposal is a way to intervention in a 19th century building … the traces of the past are engraved in the new buildings, like a memory of ancient geometries … It is an unfinished architecture that the time will end up composing in the place …



Intervention Proposal

The proposal maintains and enhances the original values: pavilion typology in a 19th century building, pleasant scale in a landscaped surround, but neglected until now: interesting spaces between pavilions, suitable scale, well-proportioned patios: good connection between the patient and the concrete environment and environmental: perfect relationship between nature and architecture.

目的是加强原有的 “卫生学精神 “和 “治疗精神”,赞成职业治疗和日常活动作为良好护理病人的基本治疗元素:因此,建筑与 “驯化 “自然的关系被重新关注,外部空间和庭院在一般循环之间产生。

The aim is to enhance the original “hygienist spirit” and “therapeutic spirit” favouring occupational therapy and daily activities as fundamental treatments elements for good care of patients: therefore the relationship of architecture with the “domesticated” nature is re-focused, the exterior spaces and courtyards generated between the general circulations…


该项目旨在提供一个新旧建筑之间的混合体,试图最大限度地利用现有的价值,并通过新的 “敷料 “使之成为可能,从而重新激活所需的功能:作为一个功能性的 “假体”。

Prosthetic Strategy

The project aims to offer a hybrid between new and old buildings, trying to make the most of the values ​​of the existing and making it possible thanks to new “dressings” that re-vitalize the desired function: as a functional “prosthesis”.


In the same way that prostheses help the original member to recover a lost function, in this case they reconfigure the space and make possible the new functions, in addition to complementing the structure to accommodate the new healthcare trends and channel and assimilate the new technologies.


它的目的是通过具有当代发票的建筑,产生一种类似于现有的 “氛围”,由当前灵活的技术建筑系统支持其未来的使用,并受到现有建筑的启发,它们应该与现有建筑互补并相互重估。

Poetic relationship between the new and the old

It is intended to generate an “atmosphere” analogous to the existing one, through buildings of contemporary invoice, supported by current and flexible technological construction systems for their future use, and inspired by existing architectures, with which they should complement and mutually revalue.


It is a balanced proposal that follows the geometrical patterns of the old buildings but undertakes its design from its own functionality.


The buildings provide timeless gestures in their formal resolution: recovery of the geometry of the roofs; reuse of the geometries derived from the arch, rectilinear buildings, infinite distributors…


整个建筑是用建筑混凝土结构建造的–外墙和屋顶–所以整个建筑就像一个大梁。混凝土被大量染成水泥的颜色,这些水泥连接着石头和老建筑的砖块。通过这种方式,它的目的是把主要的气氛的颜色作为一个整体。老建筑拱门的几何形状被刻在新的外墙上,作为一种 “记忆”……留下的记忆……随着时间的推移,建筑会变黑,并根据它的方向和主导风向,呈现出老建筑的斑纹,渐渐地,建筑会与以前的建筑融合在一起……

Construction in concrete

The entire building is constructed in structural architectural concrete – facades and roofs – so the entire construction acts as a large beam. The concrete is dyed in mass with the colour of the cement that joins the stones and the brick of the old buildings. In this way, it is intended to take the colour of the dominant atmosphere as a whole. The geometries of the arches of the old buildings are engraved on the new facades, as a “memory” … the memory of what was left … with time, the building will blacken and take on the patina of the old buildings, depending on its orientation and dominant winds, and little by little the building will blend with the previous ones …

Architects: Galar, Vaillo + Irigaray Architects, Vélaz
Area : 9820 m²
Year : 2017
Photographs :Rubén P. Bescós
Manufacturers : BANDALUX, Technal, Breinco, Dynamobel, Wicona
Facilities Engineering : GE Ingenieros, José Javier González
Structural Engineering : OPERA Ingeniería, Raúl Escrivá
Architects In Charge : Antonio Vaíllo Daniel, Juan L. Irigaray Huarte, Daniel Galar, Josecho Vélaz
City : Pamplona
Country : Spain