
The apartment for three, a young couple, and a dog are located near the city center of Ljubljana. It is situated in a new residential neighborhood that was built during a gradual revitalization of abandoned inner-city industrial areas. The new neighborhood is conveniently located on the strip of land between the city and its green outskirts, making it popular with young families.

该公寓的买家是一对年轻夫妇。直到最近,他们还住在城郊的农村。 他们在绿色的环境中怀念城市的繁华,决定在一个能产生两全其美效果的地方购买并装修一套公寓。这种城市和自然之间的矛盾是这个60平方米公寓改造的概念起点。

The buyers of the apartment are a young couple. Until recently, they lived on the rural outskirts of the city. Missing the bustle of the city in their green environment they decided to buy and renovate an apartment on a location that yields the best of both worlds. This ambivalence between urbanity and nature was the conceptual starting point for the renovation of this 60 m2 apartment.


The original, standard arrangement of a one-bedroom apartment did not quite correspond to the dynamic lifestyle of the clients. Because their pet is an important part of the family, the aim was to design a space without corners and closed-off spaces. By demolishing all existing partition walls the living space opened up to a circular movement, also becoming a polygon for the dog’s daily activities. The living room is connected to the bedroom through a winter garden. The only enclosed space in the apartment remains the bathroom.


Clients mostly work from home. Also, they have a lively social life, organizing vegan lunch get-togethers, movie nights, and dinners with friends. They practice yoga and train their dog. Therefore fixed and rigid furniture with a predetermined position and function would hinder this lifestyle. We found the solution in mobile furnishings on wheels, which allow for a more fluid living arrangement. Two large elements: a wide counter and a large sofa can both be moved freely around the room, creating diverse social scenarios.


The floor in the apartment is made of bright terrazzo. As space is meant for dynamic use, this type of flooring is durable and brings a feeling of freshness to the apartment. All mobile furnishings are made of stainless steel to ensure durability. Also, their subtle luster acts as an additional light source further inside the apartment. The service area, which includes a kitchen, washing machine, and a utility, is tucked inside a series of spacious closets at the main entrance. The dark green color of this set symbolically marks the edge of the apartment and acts as a counterbalance to the light and metallic materials that dominate the interior. Hidden behind hinged panels is a wooden kitchenette. The bedroom is also clad in warm tones of wood panels.


The atmosphere in the apartment is co-created by pots of tropical and Mediterranean plants, a series of original graphics, and unique ceramic pieces.

占地面积 : 65 m²
摄影:Miran Kambič
制造商:New Objects
Area: 65 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Miran Kambič
Manufacturers: New Objects
Country: Slovenia